ECTs are often anxious about how long the induction period will be. Not knowing when you will become a fully-fledged teacher can be a nerve-wracking time. In this blog post, we will discuss the long induction period for ECTs and what you can expect.
How long is the Induction Period for ECTs:
Teachers who start their induction on or after 1 September 2021 are classified as ‘early career teachers (ECTs) rather than Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs). ECTs now participate in an extended induction that lasts for two school years rather than the previous year.
The training program will last two years based on the early career framework. Teachers will have a dedicated mentor to help support them through the process and time off for induction activities like training and sessions with their mentor.
There will be regular progress reviews against the teachers’ standards, along with two formal assessments. At the end of an ECT’s induction period, a decision is made on whether the teacher has met the required standards.
During the school year, the ECT will be required to work the usual 1256 hours.
What will happen during your ECT induction years?
Observations and Feedback:
You will be observed by your mentor during at least 4 teaching sessions and have the opportunity to observe other experienced teachers. Your mentor will give you feedback after each observation which you can use to improve your practice.
Professional Development:
You will engage in regular professional development activities, both within your own school and externally. These might include in-school training days, job-shadowing experienced teachers, and attending external conferences and seminars.
Formal Assessments:
You will undertake 2 formal assessments during your induction period. The first will take place towards the end of your first year, and the second at the end of your second year. These assessments will be based on your
Training Sessions with Mentor:
You will have regular training sessions with your mentor, where you will discuss your progress and set goals for the future. These sessions will allow you to reflect on your practice and identify areas for improvement. The 2-year induction period can be a daunting time for ECTs, but it is also an exciting time where you can really develop your skills as a teacher. With the support of your mentor and the professional development opportunities available to you, you will be sure to succeed in your career.
PPA Cover:
During your induction period, you will be entitled to 10% of your timetable for PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) cover. This time can be used for planning lessons, preparing resources and marking student work. It is important to use this time wisely to ensure that you can meet the demands of your teaching workload.
ECT Mentor V Induction Tutor
What is an ECT Mentor?
An ECT mentor is a teacher who has been designated to support an early career teacher during their induction period. The mentor will provide guidance and advice on all aspects of the teaching profession, from lesson planning to behaviour management. They will also observe the ECT in action and give feedback on their performance. The ECT Mentor will observe the ECT for 15 minutes per week and then provide 45 minutes of coaching to help improve their practice.
What is an Induction Tutor?
An induction tutor is a teacher who has been designated to oversee the induction process for all newly qualified teachers in a school. The induction tutor will liaise with the ECTs’ mentors and monitor their progress against the teachers’ standards. They will also provide support and guidance to the ECTs during their induction period. The role of the ECT mentor is to support the early career teacher during their induction period, while the role of the induction tutor is to oversee the induction process for all newly qualified teachers in a school.
10 Top tips for your ECT induction years
1. Make the most of your PPA time
2. Get to know your mentor
3. Attend as many professional development opportunities as you can
4. Use your observations to improve your practice
5. Set goals with your mentor
6. Be open to feedback
7. Use your training sessions with your mentor to reflect on your practice
8. Use your 2 formal assessments as an opportunity to reflect on your progress
9. Get involved in extracurricular activities
10. Enjoy it!
The induction period is a great opportunity to really develop your skills as a teacher. With the right attitude and approach, you will be sure to succeed in your career.
What happens if you fail ECT induction?
The Early Career Framework is a training program designed to help you in your professional development. There is no pass or fail grades associated with it because it’s not an assessment tool. During your induction years, you will be matched up against the Teaching Standards, if you do not match up against all of the standards then you will be able to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
What is QTS?
Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) is the professional qualification required to teach in a maintained school or non-maintained special school in England and Wales.
Do I need QTS to teach abroad?
No, you do not need QTS to teach abroad. However, you may find it helpful to have QTS if you wish to teach in a British international school.
What is the Early Career Framework?
The Early Career Framework (ECF) is a professional development program for early career teachers. It is designed to help you in your transition from teacher training to your first year of teaching.
What are the benefits of the Early Career Framework?
The benefits of the ECF include- professional development opportunities- access to a mentor- support from an induction tutor- guidance on the teachers’ standards- reflection on your practice- setting goals.
What are the Teaching Standards?
There are two parts to the Teacher Standards. Part one covers expectations for teaching quality, and part two outlines expectations around personal and professional conduct.
Part One of the text is divided into 8 individual standards. They are as follows:
A teacher must
- Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils.
- Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils.
- Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge.
- Plan and teach well-structured lessons.
- Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils.
- Make accurate and productive use of assessment.
- Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment.
- Fulfil wider professional responsibilities.
The second part of this book dives into the different standards that teachers are supposed to maintain in both their professional and personal lives.
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