The new ECT Framework has been designed to help early career teachers (ECTs) build successful teaching careers. The framework provides a range of support and development opportunities for ECTs, including access to quality professional learning and leadership programs. This blog post will provide an overview of the framework, including what it covers and how it can benefit ECTs.
The 2-year induction programme
Starting from the 1st of September 2021, new teachers will be called ‘early career teachers. Compared to the old NQT year, ECTs will now complete a two-year induction period to create better-prepared teachers who will last in the teaching profession.
During their two-year programme, they will be given:
- A specific training syllabus with a focus on the early career framework and teaching standards.
- In-depth support from a one-to-one mentor.
- Time in their timetable where they are away from their class to receive extra training, coaching and reflection time with their mentor.
- Specific progress meetings where targets will be set.
- Two formal assessments are marked against the teacher’s standards.
At the end of the two-year period, the school will decide whether the teacher meets all of the teachers’ standards and is ready to join the teaching cohort.
ECT pay
The change from the NQT framework to the ECT framework has had no impact on the progression of pay. As it was before, teachers will start on the first step of the main scale (M1) in their first training year, and then when they begin the second year, if their school approves, they will move on to the second step (M2).

The numbers shown above come from the TES website. Depending on where you are training in the country you will receive different compensation.
The Training School
Now just as the ECT must be deemed appropriate to begin their training year, the training school must also be assessed as ready to provide the right amount of training and support for the ECT.
The headteacher and appropriate body of the institution where an ECT is serving their induction period must first agree that the school is suitable for this purpose. The headteacher and appropriate training body are jointly responsible for ensuring that the supervision and training of the ECT meet their developmental needs while they complete their induction period. The duties assigned to the ECT should enable a balanced and just evaluation of the ECT’s abilities as a teacher against the set Teachers’ Standards.
The school is expected to:
• have a headteacher who is in place to make a recommendation as to whether the ECT’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is good enough.;
• have an agreement with an appropriate organization to take on the training responsibility and assure the quality of the process;
• give the Early Career Teacher an Early Career Framework-based induction programme.
ECT Mentor
As an ECT you will be allocated a Mentor and an Induction Tutor. The mentor will be your port of all for training and general coaching during your training years and your Induction Tutor will observe occasional lessons throughout the year to assess your teaching against the teaching standards.
ECT Mentor will:
- Work with the school and training provider to give the ECTs high-quality training in areas that require it.
- Observe the ECT for 15 minutes per week.
- Attend weekly meetings with the ECT to give targets and coaching in specific areas based on what they have observed in the observations.
- Support the ECT when they are having trouble.
The mentoring role is separate from the induction role, meaning that they will not be collecting data on you as an ECT. Their job is to support, coach and train. The Induction Tutor will then come in and give the formal observations.
You Cannot Fail your Early Career Framework Training
As you complete your training you are encouraged to engage as much as possible with the different elements. Failing to attend all of the sessions, or complete the work that has been given to you will not result in an instant fail.
The only way that you can fail your ECT training is if you do not match up against the teaching standards. For this reason, you must collect evidence as you go through your training year to show how you are meeting each standard.
Previously, during your NQT year of training you would have had to collect large folders showing evidence, or in more recent years, uploaded evidence to Google Drive folders. This was largely a waste of time as Mentors rarely sifted through all of the evidence before making their verdict.
Remember that you need to be confident in your teaching ability in the classroom as your first priority. The children need to be taught. Putting the evidence together must always come second.
The Early Career Framework in Scotland
Here is some information on the early career framework if you are training to be a teacher in Scotland.
The ECT framework in Scotland has three key components:
– professional development
– support from a mentor
– self-evaluation.
As an ECT, you will be expected to take part in a range of activities that focus on your professional development. These might include:
– attending meetings with other ECTs
– observing other teachers’ lessons
– taking part in training sessions.
Your mentor will support you as you complete the different components of the framework. They will also provide you with feedback on your progress.
You will be expected to keep a record of your professional development and use this to inform your self-evaluation. This will help you to identify areas where you need to continue to develop your skills and knowledge.
The ECT framework is designed to help you make the transition from student teacher to fully qualified teacher. It will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on your practice and to receive feedback from experienced teachers. By taking part in the different activities, you will develop the skills and knowledge that you need to be an effective teacher.
The ECT framework is a way of ensuring that all early career teachers in Scotland have access to the same high-quality support and development opportunities. If you are an ECT, make sure that you make the most of the different elements of the framework so that you can benefit from all that it has to offer.
If you want to find out more about the ECT framework, talk to your mentor or contact the General Teaching Council for Scotland.
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