What Is Hyperbole?

Written by Dan

Last updated

Are you teaching hyperbole in the classroom but need help figuring out where to begin?

Hyperbole is a powerful literary device that can enhance language, stimulate creativity and inspire imaginative thinking in your students. It’s an essential tool for every writer and speaker – and fun!

This blog post will provide an overview of hyperbole, why it’s essential, and how to use examples to engage your class with this rhetorical device.

So let’s dive right into understanding what hyperbole is all about!

Related: For more, check out our article on How To Use Parentheses  here.

What Is Hyperbole?

How To Teach Hyperbole?

Hyperboles are a great tool to teach irony, exaggeration, and light-heartedness in literature and everyday conversations.

To teach hyperbole to students, introduce the concept by providing examples of exaggerated situations. Ask students to come up with hyperbolic phrases or sentences.

Please encourage them to compare physical attributes, emotions or tangible qualities of objects to help them understand the concept better.

To make the lessons fun and exciting, ask students to share stories that have used hyperbole in everyday speaking and literature classes.

Conducting activities like role plays and casting votes on which hyperbolic phrase is funnier can measure students’ knowledge of this literary device.

As with any other education topic – repetition is essential for learning hyperbole – so make sure students frequently review the examples provided and practice using it in different scenarios.

Related: For more, check out our article on How To Use Apostrophes Correctly here.


Examples of How To Use Hyperbole

  1. “I’ve told you a million times to clean your room!”
  2. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!”
  3. “It’s hotter than the surface of the sun outside.”
  4. I have a ton of homework to do tonight.
  5. “She’s as old as the hills.”
  6. “This bag weighs a ton.”
  7. “He ran faster than the speed of light.”
  8. “That joke was so funny; I nearly died laughing.”
  9. “I’ve been waiting ages for this movie to come out.”
  10. “The car was going a million miles an hour down the highway.”
  11. “I’ve seen that movie a hundred times already.”
  12. “The line at the amusement park was longer than the Great Wall of China.”
  13. “My backpack is so heavy it feels like I’m carrying bricks.”
  14. “He has more money than Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos combined.”
  15. “I’m so tired. I could sleep for a week straight.”
  16. “The concert was louder than a jet engine taking off.”
  17. “She has eyes as big as saucers when she’s surprised.”
  18. “He’s taller than Mount Everest!”
  19. “You’re taking forever! Are you planning on growing old here?”
  20. “This suitcase weighs more than an elephant!”

Hyperbole can add emphasis and exaggeration to make a point or create humour in writing or spoken language. Still, it should be used sparingly and purposefully to avoid sounding insincere or over-the-top.

Examples Of Hyperbole In Paragraphs

“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse! No, I haven’t eaten all day, and my stomach is growling like a wild animal. I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks. My hunger is consuming me, taking over my every thought and action. If I don’t get food soon, I might die.”

“The concert was insane! The crowd was packed like sardines, and the music was so loud it felt like my eardrums would burst. The energy in the room was electric, pulsing through me with every beat of the drums and guitar riffs. It was like nothing else mattered except for that moment when we were all united by the power of music.”

“I can’t believe how much homework we have tonight. It’s like our teachers want us to suffer or something! There’s no way we’ll be able to finish it all before midnight – it’s just too much work. I’m drowning in a sea of assignments and deadlines, struggling to keep my head above water as the waves of stress keep crashing down on me.”

“Her beauty was beyond compare – her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight, and her smile lit up the room. Every time she walked by, it felt like time stood still for just a moment as everyone stopped to admire her radiance. She was more than just beautiful – she was otherworldly, a goddess among mortals.”

“The car chase scene in that movie was insane! They drove through crowded city streets at breakneck speeds, narrowly avoiding collisions with other cars and pedestrians at every turn. It was like watching an action movie come to life right before my eyes – heart-pumping adrenaline rush included!”

Teaching Children to Use Hyperbole in Their Writing

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect. It can add excitement and humor to a story, making it more engaging for readers. Here’s how you can teach children to use hyperbole in their writing:

1. Explain the Concept: Explain what hyperbole is and provide examples to help them understand. For instance, “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse” doesn’t mean someone wants to eat a horse; it’s an exaggerated way of saying they’re starving.

2. Read Examples in Literature: Incorporate books and stories that use hyperbole into your reading time. Discuss these examples and why the author might have chosen to use exaggeration.

3. Practice Identifying Hyperbole: Provide sentences that contain hyperbole and have the children identify them. This will help them become familiar with common hyperbolic phrases and understand their context.

4. Create Hyperbolic Sentences: Have the children create their sentences using hyperbole. This could be about their feelings, their actions, or a made-up scenario. Encourage creativity and exaggeration.

5. Write a Hyperbolic Story: Once they’re comfortable creating hyperbolic sentences, encourage them to write a short story using hyperbole. The aim is to make the story as exciting, dramatic, or funny as possible.

6. Review and Revise: Review their stories together, identifying the use of hyperbole and discussing how it adds to the story. If necessary, help them revise their work to use hyperbole more effectively.

Remember, the goal is to have fun with language and encourage creativity. With practice, children will learn to use hyperbole effectively to enhance their storytelling.

Resources To Help Teach Hyperbole

  1. Teaching Hyperbole: How to Help Students Recognise and Use Exaggeration” by Melissa Kruse This article provides tips for teachers on how to help students recognise and use hyperbole in their writing. It also includes examples of hyperbole in literature.
  2. Hyperboles in Literature: Definition & Examples” by Study.com This article defines hyperbole and provides examples of hyperbole in literature, such as Shakespeare’s use of exaggeration in his plays.
  3. Hyperbole Lesson Plan Ideas” by Bright Hub Education This article offers lesson plan ideas for teaching hyperbole to elementary school students, including using picture books and creating a class hyperbole book.
  4. “Teaching Hyperbole with Music Videos” by The Literary Maven This blog post suggests using music videos to teach hyperbole to middle and high school students, with examples from popular songs.
  5. Hyperbolic Language Lessons” by ReadWriteThink This article provides a lesson plan for teaching hyperbolic language to high school students through analysing political speeches.


Q: What is hyperbole? 

A: Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. It involves describing something exaggeratedly that is not meant to be taken literally.

Q: How can I teach hyperbole to my students?

A: There are many ways to teach hyperbole, such as using picture books, analysing literature, and creating class hyperbole books. You can also use music videos or political speeches as examples of hyperbolic language.

Q: Why is it important to learn about hyperbole?

A: Learning about hyperbole can help students become better writers by teaching them how to use exaggeration effectively. It also allows them to recognise when others use hyperbolic language and understand the intended meaning.

Q: Is it okay to use hyperbole in academic writing?

A: While hyperbole is often used in creative writing and informal settings, it should generally be avoided in academic writing unless it serves a specific rhetorical purpose. In academic writing, precision and accuracy are more important than flashy language.

About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.






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