Teaching Strategies for Students with Dyslexia

Written by Dan

Last updated

As educators, we aim to ensure that all students reach their potential – regardless of any mental or physical barriers they may face.

One population for whom special consideration must be taken are those with dyslexia. Teaching strategies tailored especially for the needs of this student demographic can help unlock a world of learning for these individuals.

In this article, we’ll explore the types of teaching methods specifically designed to accommodate students with dyslexia and provide them with the best educational foundation possible. Read on to learn more about how you can effectively teach children diagnosed with this condition!

Related: For more, check out our article on Behaviour Management Strategies For Teaching Assistants  here.

How Dyslexia Impacts Learning

Teaching students with dyslexia can often be a challenge. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects how individuals process written and spoken language, making it difficult for them to learn the same way as other students.

It can affect their general academic performance and confidence as they struggle to understand even simple concepts that might come quickly to their peers.

Teachers of dyslexic students must find new strategies that work best for each student, allowing them to engage in tasks with greater ease and self-confidence.

With the right tools and techniques, teachers can make the learning process easier for these students to have a better chance of meeting educational goals.

Understand The student’s Individual Needs

Understanding the individual needs of dyslexic students is essential when tailoring an effective teaching strategy. An intimate knowledge of the student’s strengths and weaknesses can help guide instruction to avoid potential obstacles.

Even if this knowledge is unavailable initially, it can often be easily attained through observation or conversations between the teacher and student.

Knowing how best to interact with a student, make connections between academic subjects, or incorporate new techniques into lessons can make all the difference in creating a thriving learning environment for those dealing with dyslexia.

Create A Supportive Environment For Learning

Creating a supportive learning environment for dyslexic students can be difficult, but it is vitally important. Such an atmosphere should provide patience, understanding, and the necessary resources for a student to succeed academically and within the classroom.

As educators, we must research and develops effective teaching strategies tailored explicitly towards their needs.

This could include creating study plans that allow regular homework issue resolution during office hours or using multisensory teaching approaches, regardless of the technique used, ensuring all students feel safe and supported while learning to progress and reach their goals.

Utilise Multisensory Instruction

Multisensory instruction can be an incredibly effective teaching strategy for students with dyslexia. Educators can create learning experiences encouraging improved understanding and deeper knowledge retention by providing lessons tailored to students’ strengths and needs.

Adopting multisensory instruction might mean hosting a simulated field trip instead of discussing an event from the textbook – or it could be having hands-on activities to better engage students with the material.

Either option can build on a student’s strengths and extend their learning beyond just reading from a page.

With multisensory instruction explicitly designed for dyslexic students, teachers can inspire them to learn and understand the material more deeply and fully.

Implement Appropriate Accommodations To Reduce Frustration And Stress

Helping students with dyslexia cope with their academic challenges can be an overwhelming experience for both the student and the teacher. It is essential to provide appropriate accommodations to promote a feeling of success within the classroom.

Doing so will help reduce frustration and stress on the student’s part by giving them access to tools we may take for granted in other classrooms.

Accommodations should be tailored to each student’sstudent’s specific needs and reflect their strengths rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach.

Carefully considering suitable accommodations can increase confidence and create an optimal learning environment where all students can succeed.

Use Technology Tools To Support Their Success

Technology is becoming increasingly important in the classroom, and educators can use various tools to help students with dyslexia stay organised and achieve their learning goals.

For example, specific text-to-speech applications or speech-to-text software can help students bridge the gap between what they hear and write.

Educators can use graphical organisers for visual cues and assistive learning devices that track progress objectively. With these tools, teachers can customise instruction to meet individual needs, allowing even those struggling with learning disabilities to succeed.

Teaching students with dyslexia can be challenging, but with patience, understanding and a willingness to try different strategies, teachers can support their success.

By creating an environment conducive to learning that validates students’ efforts, educators can give students confidence in their academic capabilities and build tools for continued success.

Providing multisensory instruction and appropriate accommodations to reduce frustration and stress are invaluable in a student’s achievement. Finally, numerous technology tools are now at the disposal of teachers and students alike, making learning more manageable than ever before.

We hope these strategies will be helpful as you embark on your journey with dyslexia. With a supportive environment, our expectations for every dyslexic student will always be high!


  1. “”Teaching Strategies for Dyslexic Students”” by Susan du Plessis on Edutopia – This article provides an overview of dyslexia. It offers practical teaching strategies to help dyslexic students succeed in the classroom. The author discusses multisensory learning, assistive technology, and other accommodations that can make a significant difference for these students. Link: https://www.edutopia.org/article/teaching-strategies-dyslexic-students
  2. “”Effective Reading Instruction Strategies for Kids with Dyslexia”” by Understood.org outlines specific reading instruction strategies that are effective for children with dyslexia, such as structured literacy programs, phonics-based instruction, and explicit instruction in decoding skills. The authors also discuss the importance of early intervention and ongoing support. Link: https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/child-learning-disabilities/dyslexia/effective-reading-instruction-strategies-for-kids-with-dyslexia
  3. “”Teaching Reading to Children With Dyslexia”” by International Dyslexia Association – This article provides an in-depth look at the challenges children with dyslexia face when learning to read. It offers evidence-based teaching strategies to address these challenges. The authors emphasise the importance of individualised instruction, multisensory techniques, and explicit instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics. Link: https://dyslexiaida.org/teaching-reading-to-children-with-dyslexia/
  4. “”Strategies for Teaching Students With Dyslexia”” by Reading Rockets – In this article, the authors provide an overview of dyslexia and offer practical teaching strategies across different subject areas, including reading, writing, math, and organisation skills. They suggest using graphic organisers, breaking tasks into smaller steps, providing frequent feedback, and utilising technology when appropriate. Link: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/strategies-teaching-students-dyslexia
  5. “”Dysgraphia Accommodations And Teaching Strategies”” by ADDitude Magazine – While not specifically about teaching reading or language arts skills to students with dyslexia, this article focuses on another common challenge these students face: handwriting difficulties related to a condition called dysgraphia. The author suggests accommodations like allowing more time for written assignments, providing alternative means of expressing knowledge (such as oral presentations), and specific teaching strategies like cursive writing practice or using graph paper to keep writing neat and organised. Link: https://www.additudemag.com/dysgraphia-accommodations-teaching-strategies/


Q: Can children with dyslexia learn to read and write?

A: Yes! With appropriate instruction and support, children with dyslexia can learn to read and write. However, they may need specialised education that differs from typical reading instruction.

Q: What are some effective teaching strategies for children with dyslexia?

A: Effective teaching strategies for children with dyslexia include multisensory instruction (using multiple senses like sight, sound, and touch), explicit phonics instruction, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, providing frequent feedback, using assistive technology when appropriate, and offering accommodations like extra time or modified assignments.

Q: How can parents support their child’s learning if they have dyslexia?

A: Parents can support their child’s learning by advocating for appropriate educational services at school, working closely with their child’s teacher to understand their needs and progress, practising reading and writing skills at home in a low-pressure environment, and encouraging their child to pursue other strengths and interests outside of academics.

Q: Is there a cure for dyslexia?

A: There is no “cure” for dyslexia as it is a neurological condition. However, early intervention and appropriate educational services can help students with dyslexia succeed academically and develop compensatory strategies to manage their challenges.

About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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