50 Poems About Mondays

Written by Dan

Last updated

Mondays are often associated with the doldrums of returning to work and school after a relaxing weekend. However, with some creativity, Mondays can become a source of inspiration for budding poets in the classroom.

In this article, we present a collection of poems about Mondays that can serve as models for teachers to use in their classrooms.

These poems explore the different facets of this often-maligned day, from its mundane routines to the possibilities of new beginnings.

We hope these poems will inspire students to put pen to paper and create their musings about Mondays.

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Tuesdays  here.


Five Free Verse Poems About Mondays

The Monday Blues

I wake up in the morning,

Heavy with dread and woe,

The thought of the week ahead,

Makes my spirits sink low.

I drag myself to work,

And face the endless grind,

But I keep my head up high,

And leave the blues behind.

Monday Motivation

Monday is a fresh start,

A new chance to begin,

To set goals and make plans,

And find the strength within.

Even when the day is tough,

And the workload’s hard to bear,

I know that with determination,

I’ll reach the top, I swear.

The Mundane Monday

Monday is a routine,

A cycle that never ends,

I wake up, go to work,

And repeat it all again.

But in this monotony,

I find a sense of peace,

Knowing what to expect,

Helps my worries to decrease.

Monday Mysteries

Monday is a mystery,

Full of secrets untold,

A chance to explore the unknown,

And break free from the mold.

I embrace the possibilities,

And let my mind wander free,

Who knows what I might discover,

On this day of destiny.

Monday Memories

Monday brings back memories,

Of days long gone and past,

Of childhood joys and laughter,

That too soon did not last.

But as I look ahead,

And face the challenges anew,

I hold on to those memories,

And let them guide me through.

what is an acrostic poem

Five Acrostic Poems About Monday

1. Mornings of New Beginnings

Mist gently rising with the dawn,

Opening day with a yawn.

New beginnings, fresh and clear,

Daylight chasing away fear.

A new week to chart our way,

Yearning for what may come this day.

By Dan Higgins 2024

2. Marvelous Opportunities Await

Marveling at the morning sun,

Opening the week with fun.

New opportunities to seize,

Delighting in the gentle breeze.

Awake, arise, don’t delay,

Your destiny starts this Monday.

By Dan Higgins 2024

3. Mysteries Unveiled

Mysteries waiting to unfold,

On this day, be bold.

Never stop exploring,

Discover what’s worth adoring.

A venture, a quest underway,

Your journey begins this Monday.

By Dan Higgins 2024

4. Mastering the Day

Master of your own fate,

On this Monday, don’t hesitate.

Navigate your dreams and goals,

Determined, let nothing control.

Awake, arise, join the fray,

Your victory starts this Monday.

By Dan Higgins 2024

5. Miracles in the Making

Miracles happen every day,

Open your heart, don’t sway.

Never lose faith or hope,

Dreams are like a kaleidoscope.

A miracle might be on its way,

You’ll find it, perhaps this Monday.

By Dan Higgins 2024

Five Haiku Poems About Mondays

Monday Blues

Rainy Monday blues,

Heavy heart for the week ahead,

Hopeful for sunshine.

New Beginnings

Monday means fresh start,

A new week to chase our dreams,

Hope and optimism.

Monday Routine

Monday routine calls,

Coffee, work, repeat, survive,

Weekend feels so far.

Monday Inspiration

Mondays can inspire,

New ideas and creativity,

Fresh starts every week.

Monday Reflection

Monday, a mirror,

Reflecting on the past week,

And plans for the next.

Five Limerick Poems About Mondays

Monday Morning

On Monday, I wake up with dread,

And drag myself out of my bed,

The week stretches ahead,

My eyes fill with dread,

I’d rather go back to sleep instead.

The Daily Grind

Every Monday starts with a grind,

An endless cycle that’s hard to unwind,

With coffee in hand,

I face the demands,

And hope for some peace of mind.

Monday Meetings

On Mondays, there’s always a meeting,

A time for reports and greeting,

We sit in the boardroom,

And hope it ends soon,

So we can get on with our tweeting.

Monday Melancholy

Mondays can make me feel low,

A sense of melancholy and woe,

But I try to stay positive,

And find ways to live,

And let the happy feelings flow.

Monday Madness

There’s always a touch of madness on Monday,

A sense of chaos in the air, come what may,

But we take it all in stride,

And let the day unfold like a tide,

And hope it brings something fun our way.

black i hate Mondays printed box on white textile

Five Tanka Poems About Mondays

A Fresh Start

Monday arrives with hope,

A chance for a fresh beginning,

To set new goals and dreams,

And face the week with courage,

Step by step, day by day.

The Daily Grind

Monday morning blues,

The daily grind starts once more,

Workload looms ahead,

But I take it all in stride,

And find joy in the mundane.

Monday Morning Rush

Monday morning rush,

The streets are packed and bustling,

People rushing by,

I take a deep breath and smile,

Such a busy world we live.

Monday Blues

Monday brings the blues,

A sense of melancholy and sadness,

As the weekend ends,

But I find comfort and peace,

In the beauty of everyday.

Monday Mindset

On Monday, I rise,

With the right mindset and focus,

To tackle the week,

And chase my dreams with passion,

Every day is a new chance.


Five Sonnet Poems About Mondays

New Beginnings

Monday marks a fresh start, a new dawn,

A chance to leave behind the past week’s pain,

A time to set new goals and dreams upon,

And let hope and optimism remain.

The work ahead may seem like an uphill,

And obstacles may block our path to thrive,

But we can face them with determination,

And let our spirits soar and come alive.

So let us embrace this day with courage,

And let it be a source of inspiration,

For every task that lies ahead to manage,

And find joy and fulfillment in each situation.

Monday is not a foe, but a friend instead,

A day of new beginnings, hopes, and dreams we tread.

The Mundane Routine

Monday brings back the mundane routine,

The same old cycle that never ends,

A time to face the tasks that intervene,

And let our minds drift off to distant lands.

But in the heart of the routine lies peace,

A sense of comfort in the familiar tune,

We find a sense of solace and release,

And let our worries fade away like dune.

The beauty of the everyday surrounds,

In the small joys that we often overlook,

The laughter, the friendships, the simple sounds,

All make our lives richer than a book.

So let us embrace the Monday routine,

And find beauty and peace in the serene.

Monday Motivation

Monday is a day for motivation,

A chance to set new goals and freshen up,

To chase our dreams with fiery passion,

And let our spirit rise like a heat up.

The hurdles that lie ahead may seem high,

But we can conquer them with sheer willpower,

Our minds and hearts open to the sky,

Determined to make each second count like a tower.

The struggles that we face are not in vain,

For they teach us the lessons of life,

They make us stronger and wiser like a chain,

And help us to cut through the endless strife.

So let us embrace this day with elation,

And let our hearts be filled with motivation.

Monday Mysteries

Monday is a day full of mysteries,

A time to explore the unknown terrain,

A chance to unleash our inner histories,

And let our imaginations reign.

The world around us is full of wonders,

Untold stories waiting to be told,

We open our minds and let them thunder,

As we discover new things to unfold.

The beauty of the Monday mystery,

Is that it gives us a sense of awe,

We find joy in the simple history,

And let our spirit rise above it all.

So let us embrace the Monday’s greatness,

And discover the world’s endless sweetness.

Monday Memories

Monday brings back the memories of past,

Of childhood dreams and long-forgotten days,

A time to look back and let them last,

And cherish the moments that made us sway.

The memories that we hold are precious,

They teach us the lessons of the past,

They make us wiser, more conscious,

And help us to live life to its last.

The beauty of the Monday memories,

Is that they remind us of who we are,

We learn from them and make new histories,

As we chase our dreams like a shooting star.

So let us embrace the Monday memories,

And cherish the moments that make us free.


Five Ode Poems About Mondays

Monday Blues

Oh Monday, how you make us sigh

The weekend’s gone, we ask: “Why oh why?”

A long week ahead, work to be done

Yet we feel like we’ve barely begun

But fear not, dear Monday, for you’re not so bad

Your fresh start and new beginnings make us glad

We’ll drink our coffee and start the day

And soon enough, we’ll find our way

Morning Commute

As the sun rises on a Monday morn

We grab our bags and begin to scorn

Our daily commute, the traffic and the noise

But amidst the chaos, we find some joys

The radio plays our favorite song

We sip our coffee and sing along

The city wakes up, the hustle begins

And we know that we’ll make it to the end

Productivity Powerhouse

Monday may seem like a drag

But it’s the perfect time to get ahead

Our minds are sharp, our focus strong

We tackle our tasks and can’t go wrong

The week is young, the possibilities endless

We’ll make progress and feel tremendous

So let’s embrace this day, let’s do our best

And come Friday, we’ll have earned our rest

Lunch Break Escape

Midday on a Monday, we need a break

From emails and meetings and to-do lists at stake

We’ll grab our lunch and head outside

And leave our worries and stress behind

We’ll walk in the park and breathe in the air

And for a moment, we’ll forget our care

Then back to work, with a renewed mind

And we’ll finish our day feeling just fine

Monday Gratitude

As another Monday comes to a close

We may feel exhausted, but we suppose

That we’re lucky to have a job to do

And a life that’s full of blessings too

So let’s be grateful for this day

And the opportunities that came our way

And let’s look forward to next week

For new adventures and chances to seek

Villanelle Poem

Five Villanelle Poems About Mondays

Monday Morning Blues

Monday morning blues, they drag me down

The weekend’s gone, and work looms ahead

I sigh and wear a frown

I hit snooze, reluctant to leave my bed

But the clock ticks fast, the day will not wait

Monday morning blues, they drag me down

I make my coffee, feeling half-dead

I try to shake the fog in my head

I sigh and wear a frown

On my way to work, I see the town

Rush hour traffic, people filled with dread

Monday morning blues, they drag me down

At the office, my mood starts to spread

Everyone feels the same as I do, I dread

I sigh and wear a frown

But as the day goes by, I start to shed

The Monday blues, and feel lighter instead

No more sighs, no more frowns

The Monday Grind

The Monday grind, it’s ours to take

A new week begins, with tasks anew

We’ll do our best, for our own sake

Our minds are sharp, our focus true

We’ll tackle every job, big or small

The Monday grind, it’s ours to take

Though daunting, we won’t forsake

Our goals and dreams, we’ll give our all

We’ll do our best, for our own sake

We’ll face the day, without mistake

And come what may, we’ll stand tall

The Monday grind, it’s ours to take

As time ticks on, we won’t break

We’ll keep moving forward, through it all

We’ll do our best, for our own sake

And when the day is done, we’ll shake

Off the stress, and have a ball

The Monday grind, it’s ours to take

We’ll do our best, for our own sake

Monday’s Promise

Monday morning, a day that’s new

A chance to start fresh, and begin again

A promise of progress, both old and new

We’ll take on challenges, without refrain

And seek new opportunities to grow

Monday morning, a day that’s new

With renewed energy, we’ll pursue

Our goals and dreams, with vigor aglow

A promise of progress, both old and new

Though it may feel daunting, we’ll push through

And find success, in ways we never know

Monday morning, a day that’s new

So let’s embrace the day, with joy anew

And take on the world, with zest and flow

A promise of progress, both old and new

When the day is done, we’ll bid adieu

To Monday’s promise, and what it did bestow

Monday morning, a day that’s new

A promise of progress, both old and new

A Monday Prayer

On this Monday morn, I bow my head

And pray for strength, to face the day

For grace and guidance, to keep me led

Amidst the chaos, help me find my way

And stay focused, on what truly matters

On this Monday morn, I bow my head

Let me be patient, kind, and not fray

Even in the face of stress and chatter

For grace and guidance, to keep me led

Help me serve others, in every way

And make a difference, however small or grander

On this Monday morn, I bow my head

Fill me with hope, for what lies ahead

And give me courage, to conquer and slay

For grace and guidance, to keep me led

As I rise up, from my makeshift bed

And greet the day, with open arms and candor

On this Monday morn, I bow my head

For grace and guidance, to keep me led

Monday Motivation

Monday comes, with a brand new week

A chance to start fresh, and elevate

Our minds and hearts, to the peak

Let’s set our goals, and dedicate

Ourselves to tasks, both big and small

Monday comes, with a brand new week

We’ll stay motivated, and not shake

Off the drive, to succeed and install

Our minds and hearts, to the peak

No matter what obstacles, we’ll break

Through and triumph, standing tall

Monday comes, with a brand new week

We’ll seize the day, without mistake

And make progress, through every squall

Our minds and hearts, to the peak

When the week is done, we’ll take

A moment to reflect, and recall

Monday comes, with a brand new week

Our minds and hearts, to the peak

What Types Of Poetry Have Rhyming In?

Five Rhyming Poems About Monday

1. Monday’s Dawn

Awake at the break of Monday’s dawn,

A new week has just been born.

The weekend is now but a dream,

Replaced by the workweek’s theme.

With coffee brewing, the day begins,

To the rhythm of life, everyone spins.

Embrace the pace, step into the light,

Monday’s here, make it bright.

By Dan Higgins 2024

2. Magic of Mondays

Mondays are magic, don’t you see?

A fresh start, as vibrant as a blooming tree.

A chance to reset, to begin anew,

Embrace Monday, let it inspire you.

Each Monday is a blank canvas, clear,

Waiting for your colors, waiting for your cheer.

Paint it with joy, with dreams and hope,

With Monday’s magic, you can cope.

By Dan Higgins 2024

3. Monday Blues

Monday blues, a familiar tune,

Arriving always, all too soon.

But don’t despair, don’t lose sight,

After the longest night, comes light.

Face the day, chase the blues away,

With every sunrise, there’s a new play.

Hold on tight, for soon you’ll find,

Monday blues are just in the mind.

By Dan Higgins 2024

4. Monday’s Song

Monday sings a siren’s song,

Calling us back where we belong.

To work, to strive, to make our mark,

In the light of day, out of the dark.

Listen closely, hear its call,

To rise above, to stand tall.

Monday’s song, though it may be long,

Carries a melody that makes us strong.

By Dan Higgins 2024

5. Embrace the Day

Monday, oh Monday, you’re here again,

A new beginning, not the end.

Embrace the day, seize your fate,

It’s a brand new week, don’t hesitate.

With every dawn, there’s a chance to shine,

To make a difference, to redefine.

Monday, oh Monday, let’s not delay,

It’s time to embrace the day.

By Dan Higgins 2024

Other Poems About Days Of The Week

The poems about Mondays presented in this article are great examples for teachers to use in their classrooms as writing prompts.

They can inspire students to explore their emotions towards the start of a new week and express them creatively and engagingly.

Students can discover new ways to structure their writing and find their unique voices by analysing these poems’ poetic devices and techniques.

So let’s encourage our students to embrace Mondays with creativity and enthusiasm and see what kind of beauty they can create from what may seem like a mundane topic.


Q: What is an acrostic poem?

A: An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first letter of each line spells out a word or phrase vertically. This word or phrase is often the poem’s subject, and the rest of the lines are used to describe or relate to it.

Q: What are some examples of acrostic poems?

A: Here is an example of an acrostic poem using the word “LOVE”:
Longing for your touch
Oh, how my heart beats
Valentine, my dear, my love
Endlessly devoted to you

Q: Can acrostic poems be written about anything?

A: Yes! Acrostic poems can be written about any subject, from common themes like love and nature to specific topics such as a person’s name or a favorite activity.

Q: What makes acrostic poems unique?

A: Using vertical letters in acrostic poems adds meaning and creativity to the poem. It’s also a fun challenge for writers to come up with lines that fit the poem’s horizontal and vertical structure.

Q: Are acrostic poems typically short or long?

A: The length of an acrostic poem can vary depending on the word or phrase being used and the writer’s style. Some acrostic poems may be short and sweet, while others can be longer and more elaborate.

Q: Can students benefit from writing acrostic poems?

A: Yes! Acrostic poems are a great way to help students develop their writing skills and creativity. They can also help students learn new vocabulary words and practice spelling in a fun and engaging way.

About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.






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