As you embark on this literary journey of discovery, have you ever wondered about the sheer magic that words can weave? Have you ever been mesmerized by the lyrical beauty and profound depth of a poem?
If so, then you are in the right place. Welcome to our exploration into the realm of poetry, specifically focusing on 35 exquisite poems about Freya.
Freya, the enchanting Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, has been a source of inspiration for countless poets over the years. Her captivating allure, coupled with her formidable strength, has given rise to a plethora of poems that capture her essence in all its multifaceted glory.
In this article, we will delve into these 35 carefully selected poems, each presenting a unique perspective on Freya. We will guide you through the rhythms, the metaphors, and the emotions these poems evoke, offering an enriching experience that transcends the mere reading of words.
Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Frigg here.

Five Free Verse Poems About Freya
1. Awakenings of Freya
In the heart’s silent chambers, she stirs,
Freya, goddess of love and war.
Her presence, a silver thread weaving through the cosmos,
Unseen yet palpable,
A force that throbs and pulses with the rhythm of life itself.
2. Freya’s Tapestry
She weaves her tapestry with strands of starlight and moonbeams,
Freya, the celestial artisan.
Each warp and weft a testament to her divine power,
A tale of passion and strength,
A symphony of existence played on the loom of time.
3. The Dance of Freya
She dances, Freya, in the aurora’s shimmering veils,
Her steps echoing in the silence of the cosmos.
Each pirouette a creation, each arabesque a destruction,
The universe her stage,
A ballet of cosmic proportions, choreographed by the divine.
4. Freya’s Song
Her voice, a melody woven from the whispers of the cosmos,
Freya, the siren of the stars.
Her song, a hymn of love and war,
Resounds across the vast expanse of eternity,
A serenade to the universe, an ode to existence.
5. The Embrace of Freya
She embraces, Freya, with arms forged from stardust and passion,
Her touch, a balm for the soul’s deepest wounds.
Her love, as boundless as the cosmos,
A sanctuary in the chaos of existence,
A haven of peace in a universe in constant flux.
Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Thor here.

Five Haiku Poems About Freya
1. Freya’s Dawn
Morning light reveals,
Freya stirs in golden dawn,
Love and war unite.
2. Starlight Weaver
Starlight threads entwine,
Freya weaves the cosmos’ tale,
Artisan divine.
3. Dance of Divinity
Aurora shimmers,
Freya’s cosmic ballet soars,
Universe applauds.
4. Cosmic Serenade
Melody of stars,
Freya’s song fills the expanse,
Eternity hums.
5. Stardust Embrace
Arms of stardust warm,
Freya’s touch heals deepest wounds,
Sanctuary found.
Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Odin here.
Five Limerick Poems About Freya
1. Freya’s Morning Glow
In the morning’s gentle glow,
Freya stirs, ready to bestow,
Love and war in equal share,
Her power beyond compare,
Guiding life’s ebb and flow.
2. Cosmic Artistry
In the cosmos, threads intertwine,
Freya weaves with design so divine,
Stars in her tapestry gleam,
In her craftsmanship, they beam,
A celestial artisan, truly benign.
3. Ballet of The Universe
In aurora’s light, she pirouettes,
Freya’s dance no one forgets,
Cosmic ballet takes flight,
Under the ethereal night,
A spectacle the universe never regrets.
4. The Song of Eternity
With a voice that’s clear and strong,
Freya sings her eternal song,
Melody of stars and space,
Resounds at an unhurried pace,
In her chorus, we all belong.
5. Embrace of Stardust
With arms warm like the sun’s ray,
Freya drives our fears away,
Her touch, a stardust balm,
Brings the soul a calming calm,
In her embrace, we wish to stay.

Five Tanka Poems About Freya
1. Awakening in the Dawn
Goddess of dawn’s light,
Freya stirs, power ignites,
Love and war unite,
Her presence, a beacon bright,
Guiding us through day and night.
2. The Cosmic Loom
Threads of starlight twine,
Freya weaves with hands divine,
Cosmic tapestry,
Tells of her strength and beauty,
In every celestial line.
3. Ballet Across the Stars
Aurora’s grand stage,
Freya dances, hearts engage,
Cosmic ballet soars,
Her grace we all adore,
In every age.
4. The Song of Eternity
Melody of stars,
Freya’s song spans near and far,
Eternal echo,
Resounds in the cosmos’ flow,
Her hymn, our avatar.
5. Embrace of the Cosmos
Arms of stardust warm,
Freya’s touch, a healing balm,
Celestial embrace,
Brings peace to the human race,
Her love, a soothing charm.

Five Sonnet Poems About Freya
1. The Radiance of Freya
Oh, Freya, goddess of love and beauty divine,
In the early morning, how your radiance does shine.
Gazing upon your golden chariot in the sky,
Under your benevolent watch, the day does lie.
Who could resist your charm, your allure so bright?
Your magic, your power, evident in the moonlight.
The Valkyrie’s leader, chooser of the slain,
In your sacred halls, noble warriors reign.
With your feathered cloak, across the skies you roam,
Seeking brave souls to join you in your heavenly home.
Freya, goddess of fertility, love, and war,
Your enchanting tales we forever adore.
In every sunrise, in every twinkling star,
Freya, your presence is felt, near and far.
2. The Magic of Freya
Freya, mistress of magic, seidr’s queen,
In your radiant presence, we glean.
Knowledge profound, wisdom so deep,
In the silence of night, while others sleep.
Your necklace, Brisingamen, a sight to behold,
More precious than silver, more cherished than gold.
A symbol of your power, your irresistible charm,
Under your protection, we shall come to no harm.
In the realms of Asgard, in your hall Sessrumnir,
Heroes dine, their spirits ever-stir.
Freya, goddess of the Vanir clan,
In your honor, we stand, to a man.
Through the ages, your legends inspire,
Freya, your magic sets our hearts afire.
3. The Love of Freya
Freya, goddess of love, passion’s flame,
At the mention of your sacred name,
Hearts beat faster, emotions stir,
In your divine presence, we concur.
With your love, the world is a better place,
Filled with compassion, kindness, and grace.
Freya, the embodiment of romantic desire,
Your divine love sets our hearts afire.
You teach us of love, both mortal and divine,
Under your influence, our lives intertwine.
Freya, goddess of love, beauty, and light,
In your honor, we unite, with all our might.
Your love, like a beacon in the darkest night,
Freya, you fill our hearts with pure delight.
4. The Valor of Freya
Freya, valiant leader of the Valkyrie’s band,
In your honor, we make our stand.
Chooser of the slain, brave souls you guide,
To Valhalla’s halls, where heroes reside.
With courage and valor, you lead the way,
In the heat of battle, you hold sway.
Freya, warrior goddess, fierce and strong,
In your honor, we sing our song.
Your bravery inspires, your spirit soars,
Under your leadership, victory roars.
Freya, goddess of war, courage, and might,
In your honor, we fight, with all our right.
Through battles and wars, your name we hail,
Freya, your valor will never fail.
5. The Wisdom of Freya
Freya, seeress, mistress of foresight,
In your wisdom, we find light.
With your magic, the future you unveil,
Guiding us on life’s intricate trail.
Your knowledge profound, your vision clear,
In your presence, we have nothing to fear.
Freya, goddess of wisdom, prophecy, and seidr,
In your honor, we gather, eager to hear.
Through your teachings, we gain insight,
Under your guidance, we do what’s right.
Freya, goddess of wisdom, magic, and love,
In your honor, we strive, to rise above.
Your wisdom guides us, through night and day,
Freya, in your divine wisdom, we find our way.
Five Inspiring Odes to Freya
“Goddess of the Golden Dawn”
Freya, goddess of beauty and love, do you not illuminate our lives just as the sun does brighten the day?
Your golden chariot in the sky symbolizes the dawn, a new beginning, does it not?
The way you preside over both love and war, is it not a profound reminder of life’s dualities?
Indeed, your divine essence touches us all, from the courageous warriors in your sacred halls to the humble beings on earth.
“Seeress of the Sacred Runes”
Freya, mistress of seidr, your wisdom runs deep, does it not?
Is it not you who guides us through the intricate maze of life with your foresight?
Does not your knowledge, as profound as the deepest ocean, serve as our guiding light?
Indeed, in your divine wisdom, we find our path, navigating through life’s challenges under your watchful eyes.
“Shieldmaiden of the Brave”
Freya, leader of the Valkyries, your courage inspires us, does it not?
Do you not guide the brave to their final resting place in Valhalla with honor and dignity?
Does your fierce spirit not embolden us, filling our hearts with valor?
Indeed, your bravery lights up the battlefield, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of war.
“Mistress of the Heart’s Desires”
Freya, goddess of love, your influence permeates our lives, does it not?
Do you not teach us the true meaning of love, both mortal and divine?
Does your divine love not ignite a flame in our hearts, filling it with warmth and passion?
Indeed, your love is a potent elixir, healing wounds, mending hearts, and bringing people together in harmony.
“Enchantress of the Northern Skies”
Freya, queen of magic, your enchantments are potent, are they not?
Do you not traverse the skies with your feathered cloak, weaving spells that alter fate?
Does not your necklace, Brisingamen, symbolize your irresistible allure and magical prowess?
Indeed, your magic touches us all, shaping our destinies in ways both subtle and profound.
Five Villanelle Poems About Freya
“Goddess of the Golden Dawn”
In the golden dawn, Freya’s chariot rides,
Her beauty and love, a beacon that guides.
As she dances across the vast, azure skies,
She inspires love, in every heart she resides.
A goddess of war, where courage abides,
In the golden dawn, Freya’s chariot rides.
Her radiant presence, in us confides,
The power of love, that in every soul hides.
As she dances across the vast, azure skies,
Her golden light, in each dawn subsides,
Yet in our hearts, her spirit abides.
In the golden dawn, Freya’s chariot rides.
She is the dawn, the sun that guides,
The love and beauty, that in each heart resides.
As she dances across the vast, azure skies,
Freya, goddess of dawn, love, and ties,
In her radiant light, our love confides.
In the golden dawn, Freya’s chariot rides,
As she dances across the vast, azure skies.
“Seeress of the Sacred Runes”
Freya, mistress of seidr, holder of runes,
Guiding us under the sun and moons.
Her wisdom profound, a light that attunes,
Our paths she enlightens, our souls she fine-tunes.
Through the maze of life, she deftly swoons,
Freya, mistress of seidr, holder of runes.
She sees the future, in her vision it looms,
Her foresight, a gift that fortuitously boons.
Her wisdom profound, a light that attunes,
Across the ages, her knowledge blooms,
In her divine wisdom, we are not immune.
Freya, mistress of seidr, holder of runes,
Her wisdom, a melody that beautifully croons,
In the symphony of life, it harmoniously tunes.
Her wisdom profound, a light that attunes,
Freya, goddess of wisdom, to whom the wise commune,
In her divine presence, enlightenment looms.
Freya, mistress of seidr, holder of runes,
Her wisdom profound, a light that attunes.
“Mistress of the Heart’s Desires”
Freya, goddess of love, heart’s desire,
Ignites in us a passionate fire.
Her love, a melody sung by a choir,
Teaches us to love, to aspire.
To her divine love, we never tire,
Freya, goddess of love, heart’s desire.
In her presence, our spirits rise higher,
In the dance of love, she’s the maestro, the sire.
Her love, a melody sung by a choir,
Her divine love, does inspire,
A flame in our hearts, an eternal pyre.
Freya, goddess of love, heart’s desire,
She is the spark, the love’s wire,
In her divine love, we all conspire.
Her love, a melody sung by a choir,
Freya, goddess of love, our hearts acquire,
A love so profound, so dire.
Freya, goddess of love, heart’s desire,
Her love, a melody sung by a choir.
“Shieldmaiden of the Brave”
Freya, leader of the Valkyries, brave and bold,
Guides the warriors to Valhalla’s fold.
Her courage, a tale through ages told,
Inspires valor, makes the timid bold.
In the battlefield, her spirit takes hold,
Freya, leader of the Valkyries, brave and bold.
Her bravery, a beacon amidst the cold,
In her honor, tales of valor are retold.
Her courage, a tale through ages told,
She is the warrior, the shieldmaiden bold,
In her spirit, our courage unfold.
Freya, leader of the Valkyries, brave and bold,
Her valor, more precious than gold,
In her bravery, our spirits mold.
Her courage, a tale through ages told,
Freya, goddess of valor, in high regard we hold,
Her tales of courage, forever enfold.
Freya, leader of the Valkyries, brave and bold,
Her courage, a tale through ages told.
“Enchantress of the Northern Skies”
Freya, queen of magic, enchantress divine,
Weaves spells that alter the space-time line.
In her magic, our destinies intertwine,
Her feathered cloak, across the skies does shine,
Her magic, as potent as the finest wine.
Freya, queen of magic, enchantress divine,
Her necklace, Brisingamen, does outshine,
All treasures, in its allure we pine.
In her magic, our destinies intertwine,
Freya, goddess of magic, her powers align,
The forces of nature, in a design so fine.
Freya, queen of magic, enchantress divine,
In her enchantments, our fates align,
Her magic touches all, yours and mine.
In her magic, our destinies intertwine,
Freya, in your magic, we find a sign,
Of a power so divine, so benign.
Freya, queen of magic, enchantress divine,
In her magic, our destinies intertwine.
Indeed, poetry has the power to transport us to different realms, igniting our imagination, and stirring deep emotions within us. As we delve into these 35 poems about Freya, we invite you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of words, images, and sentiments that they weave.
Each poem presents a unique interpretation of Freya, reflecting her various attributes – from her radiant beauty to her fierce bravery, from her profound wisdom to her divine magic. These poems not only celebrate Freya in all her glory but also highlight the prowess of the poets who have so skillfully encapsulated her essence in their verses.
As we conclude this exploration, it is our hope that these poems have offered you a deeper understanding and appreciation of both the fascinating character of Freya and the transformative power of poetry.
May the words resonate with you, inspire you, and perhaps even ignite a spark of creativity within you. After all, poetry is not just about reading and understanding; it’s also about feeling, connecting, and expressing. And isn’t that what makes it truly magical?
So, whether you are a seasoned poetry enthusiast or a curious novice, we trust that this journey through 35 poems about Freya has enriched your literary experience.
Remember, the world of poetry is as vast and varied as the human experience itself. So keep exploring, keep discovering, and most importantly, keep enjoying the beauty of words. Because in the end, that’s what poetry is all about.