In the rich tapestry of Norse mythology, no figure is as radiant and compelling as Balder, the god of light, joy, purity, and the summer sun. But how well do we truly know this luminous deity?
How can we delve deeper into his story, explore his trials, and celebrate his triumphs? We’ve curated a collection of 35 exquisite poems dedicated to Balder that will take you on an enlightening journey through his world.
Each poem in this collection has been meticulously crafted to entertain, educate and inspire. They are windows into the soul of this beloved god, offering fresh perspectives and poignant insights.
Whether you’re a seasoned scholar of Norse mythology or a curious newcomer, these poems invite you to engage with Balder’s story profoundly personally.
Five Free Verse Poems About Balder
1. The Dawn of Balder
In the realm of Asgard, where gods and giants reside,
A light was born, a beacon, a celestial guide.
Balder, son of Odin, pure as the morning dew,
Radiant as the dawn, a spectacle to view.
His laughter echoed through the valleys, over the frosty tide,
His joy was infectious, his spirit could not hide.
A god of light and purity, in him, no shadow found,
In the heart of Asgard, his radiance did resound.
2. The Love of Frigg
Frigg, mother of Balder, her love as deep as the sea,
Woven into every fiber of her son’s entity.
She traversed the universe, made every creature swear,
To never harm her precious son, this oath they had to bear.
Yet one small plant she overlooked, the mistletoe so slight,
Unbeknownst to her, it would bring about the night.
Her love was fierce, her love was strong, yet fate would not be swayed,
In the heart of Frigg, a deep sorrow was laid.
3. The Treachery of Loki
Loki, the trickster, with malice in his eyes,
Spotted the loophole, crafted his disguise.
The mistletoe arrow, in blind Hodr’s hand,
Struck Balder, fell him where he stand.
A plot so cruel, a deed so vile,
Loki’s treachery, devoid of guile.
In the halls of Asgard, a silence fell,
Marking the start of Balder’s farewell.
4. The Lament for Balder
The world wept for Balder, the sun refused to shine,
The light had left Asgard, the gods began to pine.
His radiance extinguished, his laughter now a ghost,
Of all the Aesir, Balder they missed the most.
The tears of the gods, like rivers did flow,
For the loss of Balder, their hearts heavy with woe.
Yet in their sorrow, a promise was made,
Balder’s memory would never fade.
5. The Legacy of Balder
Balder, though fallen, his spirit does remain,
In every sunrise, in every gentle rain.
His story, a reminder, of joy and love so pure,
Of treachery and sorrow, the gods had to endure.
Balder, god of light, your legacy lives on,
In every verse of skaldic song.
Your tale is told, your name revered,
In the heart of Asgard, you are forever endeared.

Five Haiku Poems About Balder
1. Birth of Radiance
Born in Asgard’s heart,
Radiant as dawn’s first light,
Balder, joy imparts.
2. Mother’s Love Unbound
Frigg’s love deep and true,
For Balder, her son so pure,
Yet fate pursues.
3. Trickster’s Cruel Game
Loki’s plot unfurls,
Mistletoe brings darkest night,
Chaos in the world.
4. Lament for the Lost
Sun refuses shine,
Asgard mourns its precious light,
Balder, divine.
5. Eternal Legacy
Though fallen, not gone,
In sunrise, Balder lives on,
His legend sings on.

Five Limerick Poems About Balder
1. The Light of Asgard
In Asgard, a god full of cheer,
Named Balder, to all was so dear.
His light shone so bright,
Like the sun at its height,
Spreading joy far and near.
2. The Mother’s Vow
Frigg made a vow, so it’s told,
To protect her son, bold and bold.
But mistletoe slight,
Caused a terrible plight,
And a mother’s heartache took hold.
3. Loki’s Deceit
Loki, with mischief in mind,
A devastating trick did he find.
With mistletoe spear,
Caused the loss all did fear,
Leaving grief and sorrow behind.
4. Mourning for Balder
Asgard wept for its fallen son,
Without Balder, joy there was none.
His laughter, his light,
Vanished into the night,
His time with the Aesir was done.
5. Remembering Balder
Though Balder no longer is here,
His memory we continue to revere.
In every sunrise,
His spirit still lies,
In our hearts, he remains ever near.

Five Tanka Poems About Balder
1. Radiance Born
In Asgard’s heart born,
Balder, light as dawn’s first gleam,
His joy spreads like warmth.
Mother Frigg’s love, deep and vast,
Wraps him in a safe embrace.
2. A Mother’s Vow
Frigg’s vow echoes wide,
Promising her son’s safety,
Each being complies.
Yet one small plant, overlooked,
Sets the stage for tragedy.
3. Deception Unveiled
Loki’s deceit blooms,
Mistletoe becomes his tool,
Dark plot now unfurls.
Blind Hodr’s hand guides the dart,
Balder falls, a hush descends.
4. Grief’s Cold Touch
Asgard mourns its light,
Sun refuses to shine bright,
Tears flow like rivers.
The loss of Balder weighs heavy,
A silence blankets the realm.
5. Legacy Endures
Fallen yet not gone,
In each sunrise, Balder lives,
His tale sings on wind.
His legacy, a beacon,
In our hearts, forever kindled.

Five Sonnet Poems About Balder
1. Balder, The Radiant One
Upon Asgard’s heart, a radiant child born,
Balder, as bright as the gleaming dawn’s morn.
His laughter, pure joy that imparts,
Echoing sweetly in all hearts.
Frigg, his mother, by love so deeply worn,
Vowed to protect him from death’s scorn.
Yet destiny, cruel and forlorn,
Had already chosen the day Balder would be torn.
Loki’s deceit, a plot so vile,
Would rob Asgard of its brightest smile.
With mistletoe spear, innocence was shorn,
And into Asgard’s heart, grief was worn.
Yet Balder’s light refuses to die,
In every sunrise, his spirit lies.
Though fallen, his legacy lives on,
In our hearts, his memory is drawn.
2. The Mother’s Promise
Frigg, with a mother’s love so deep,
Made a promise she could not keep.
To protect her son from harm,
She sought each being, with a charm.
Yet one small plant she did not reap,
Setting the stage for sorrow steep.
A single dart caused all to weep,
Balder fell into a sleep.
His radiance dimmed, his laughter ceased,
Asgard’s joy was thus decreased.
Yet his memory we choose to keep,
In our hearts, his love we seep.
3. Loki’s Cruel Plot
Loki, with mischief in his eye,
Crafted a plot that made all cry.
With a spear of mistletoe,
Caused Balder’s light to cease its glow.
Asgard’s joy turned into sigh,
Under a mournful, tear-stained sky.
Yet Loki’s victory was a lie,
For Balder’s spirit will never die.
In each sunrise, his radiance shines,
In every heart, his memory aligns.
Though we mourn, and though we cry,
Balder’s legacy will never die.
4. Asgard Mourns
Asgard mourns its brightest star,
Balder’s absence felt afar.
The laughter, the joy, all are gone,
Under the sky’s tearful dawn.
His loss, a wound that will not scar,
A silence that echoes bizarre.
Yet in our hearts, he is not far,
His memory, a guiding star.
In every sunrise, his spirit soars,
In our hearts, his love restores.
Though his absence leaves a mar,
His legacy outshines any scar.
5. Balder’s Legacy
Balder, though fallen, is not lost,
His memory worth any cost.
His radiant smile, his joyful laugh,
Guide us along life’s tough path.
His loss, a heavy frost,
Yet his legacy, a torch we’ve tossed.
In every sunrise, despite the frost,
Balder’s spirit is embossed.
His tale, a beacon in the night,
Guides us with its gentle light.
His memory, forever bossed,
In our hearts, forever glossed.

Five Ode Poems About Balder
1. Ode to the Radiant Balder
Oh, Balder, thou art the radiant one,
As bright as the gleaming morning sun.
Your laughter, a melody so pure,
An enchantment with no cure.
Frigg, your mother, by her love, you’re spun,
Her vows to protect you from harm begun.
But destiny, cruel and undone,
Had chosen the day you would be gone.
Loki’s deceit, a plot so vile,
Robbed Asgard of its brightest smile.
Yet, your light refuses to be outshone,
In every sunrise, your spirit is reborn.
2. Ode to Frigg’s Promise
Oh, Frigg, with a mother’s love so deep,
Made a promise she strove to keep.
To protect her son from harm,
She sought each being with her charm.
Yet, mistletoe, she did not reap,
Setting the stage for sorrow steep.
A single dart caused all to weep,
Balder fell into a sleep so deep.
His radiance dimmed, his laughter ceased,
Asgard’s joy was thus decreased.
Yet, his memory we choose to keep,
In our hearts, his love does seep.
3. Ode to Loki’s Plot
Oh, Loki, with mischief in your eye,
Crafted a plot that made all cry.
With a spear of mistletoe,
Caused Balder’s light to cease its glow.
Asgard’s joy turned into sigh,
Under a mournful, tear-stained sky.
Yet, your victory was but a lie,
For Balder’s spirit will never die.
In each sunrise, his radiance shines,
In every heart, his memory aligns.
Though we mourn, and though we cry,
Balder’s legacy will never die.
4. Ode to Asgard’s Mourning
Oh, Asgard, mourning its brightest star,
Balder’s absence is felt afar.
The laughter, the joy, all are gone,
Under the sky’s tearful dawn.
His loss, a wound that will not mar,
A silence that echoes bizarre.
Yet, in our hearts, he is not far,
His memory, a guiding star.
In every sunrise, his spirit soars,
In our hearts, his love restores.
Though his absence leaves a scar,
His legacy outshines any par.
5. Ode to Balder’s Legacy
Oh, Balder, though fallen, you’re not lost,
Your memory is worth any cost.
Your radiant smile, your joyful laugh,
Guide us along life’s tough path.
Your loss, a heavy frost,
Yet your legacy, a torch we’ve tossed.
In every sunrise, despite the frost,
Your spirit is embossed.
Your tale, a beacon in the night,
Guides us with its gentle light.
Your memory, forever bossed,
In our hearts, forever glossed.

Five Villanelle Poems About Balder
1. The Radiant Balder
Balder, radiant as the morning sun,
In Asgard’s heart, your tale is spun.
A joy that echoes, pure and bright.
Born of Frigg, under her watchful sight,
Your laughter spreads like the dawn’s light,
Balder, radiant as the morning sun.
Yet destiny’s cruel hand has run,
A plot unfolds in the dark of night,
A joy that echoes, pure and bright.
Loki’s deceit, a victory won,
With mistletoe spear, you meet your plight,
Balder, radiant as the morning sun.
Your fall leaves Asgard all but done,
Mourning its lost, its brightest light,
A joy that echoes, pure and bright.
Yet in every sunrise, your spirit is spun,
Your legacy, a beacon in the night,
Balder, radiant as the morning sun,
A joy that echoes, pure and bright.
2. Frigg’s Vow
Frigg made a vow, her son to keep,
A mother’s love, so strong, so deep.
To every being, her promise spread.
Yet one small plant, by her unseen,
Sets the stage for a sorrow keen,
Frigg made a vow, her son to keep.
Balder falls into a slumber deep,
His light extinguished, his laughter sheen,
To every being, her promise spread.
Asgard mourns, its wounds seep,
The loss of Balder, a cut so clean,
Frigg made a vow, her son to keep.
Yet in our hearts, his memory we reap,
His spirit alive in every sunbeam,
To every being, her promise spread.
In every sunrise, his love we steep,
His legacy, an everlasting dream,
Frigg made a vow, her son to keep,
To every being, her promise spread.
3. The Plot of Loki
Loki, with a deceitful smirk,
Crafts a plot, his mischief at work.
With mistletoe spear, he seals Balder’s fate.
Asgard’s joy turns into a sigh,
Underneath the tear-stained sky,
Loki, with a deceitful smirk.
Balder’s light ceases to irk,
His laughter silenced, his spirit high,
With mistletoe spear, he seals Balder’s fate.
Yet Loki’s victory, a lie,
Balder’s spirit will never die,
Loki, with a deceitful smirk.
In every sunrise, Balder’s spirit lurk,
His legacy, a guiding light in the sky,
With mistletoe spear, he seals Balder’s fate.
Though we mourn, and though we cry,
Balder’s memory will never lie,
Loki, with a deceitful smirk,
With mistletoe spear, he seals Balder’s fate.
4. Mourning Asgard
Asgard mourns its brightest star,
Balder’s absence felt afar.
The laughter gone, the joy but a scar.
Under the sky’s mournful par,
His loss, a wound that won’t mar,
Asgard mourns its brightest star.
Yet in our hearts, he isn’t far,
His memory, a guiding avatar,
The laughter gone, the joy but a scar.
In every sunrise, his spirit ajar,
His love restores, his legacy a spar,
Asgard mourns its brightest star.
Though his absence leaves a mar,
His legacy outshines any war,
The laughter gone, the joy but a scar.
In our hearts, forever he’ll spar,
Balder, the ever-shining czar,
Asgard mourns its brightest star,
The laughter gone, the joy but a scar.
5. Balder’s Enduring Legacy
Balder, though fallen, is not lost,
His memory is worth any cost.
Radiant smile, joyful laugh remains.
Guiding us through life’s tough terrains,
His loss, a frost that pains,
Balder, though fallen, is not lost.
In every sunrise, despite the frost,
His spirit, brightly it sustains,
Radiant smile, joyful laugh remains.
His tale, a beacon when we’re tossed,
Guides us with its gentle reins,
Balder, though fallen, is not lost.
His memory, forever embossed,
In our hearts, it forever reins,
Radiant smile, joyful laugh remains.
In our hearts, his love is tossed,
His legacy, an eternal flame,
Balder, though fallen, is not lost,
Radiant smile, joyful laugh remains.
As we conclude our journey through the 35 poems about Balder, it’s clear that the depth and breadth of his narrative are as boundless as they are captivating.
These poems, each a testament to Balder’s profound influence, serve as an enlightening beacon, guiding us through the labyrinthine intricacies of Norse mythology.
These verses have painted a multi-faceted portrait of Balder – the radiant god, the loved son, the tragic hero. They have delved into his joys and sorrows, triumphs and trials, love and treachery.
Each line, each word, has been carefully chosen to draw us closer to understanding the complexity of his character and the pivotal role he plays in the Norse pantheon.
In exploring these poems, whether you’re a scholar or a newcomer, we’ve shared in the universal human experiences mirrored in Balder’s story – love, deceit, tragedy, and hope.
We’ve seen how his light continues to shine, a testament to his enduring legacy and a reminder of the timeless relevance of these ancient tales.
So, as we close this chapter, let’s continue celebrating Balder’s story. Let’s keep his memory alive, not just as an emblem of Norse mythology, but as a symbol of our shared human experience.
The power of poetry lies in the joy of reading and its ability to connect us across time, culture, and geography. Through the life of Balder, we not only dive into the heart of Norse mythology but also discover more profound insights about ourselves and the world around us.