When you are applying for an Early Career Teacher position, one of the most important things that you will need to submit is your personal statement.
This document is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the selection committee and showcase why you would be a great addition to their school. To make sure that your statement stands out, follow these tips.
Related: For more, check out our article on Tips To Support ECTs In Their First Year here.
Write A Unique Statement For Each School.
If you’re an Early Career Teacher, then you understand how important it is to edit your personal statement for every job application. It can be time-consuming, but it’s worth it in the long run. Each school is unique, so your application should reflect that.
Read the job advertisement, website, and latest Ofsted report carefully. Make a list of requirements for the position and what is most important to the school’s ethos. Connect your passions and experience to these things.
For example, if the job advertisement asks for someone who is ‘passionate about teaching’, think carefully about what experiences you have had that demonstrate your passion for teaching. It could be a time when you overcame a difficult challenge in the classroom or a moment when you made a real difference in a student’s life.
Opening Line
Your opening sentence is analogous to the starting line of an amazing novel–it needs to be attention-grabbing (for all the right reasons). Highly effective personal statements generally start with a short explanation of what originally inspired them to enter the teaching profession, or why they’re looking forward to applying for this precise position.
Be Specific
When discussing your experience, always try to be as specific as possible. For example, rather than just saying that you’ve worked with “disadvantaged students,” go into detail about what kind of disadvantage they faced and how you helped them to overcome it. This will give the selection committee a much better idea of your teaching style and capabilities.
Keep Your Target Audience In Mind When Writing
It’s more impactful to SHOW an employer that you understand the complexities and how to manage them instead of simply telling them which age group you prefer teaching.
For example, if you’re vying for a job at a secondary school with a sixth form, illustrate how you’ve assisted students in the past with UCAS applications. If primary schools are your thing, explain why keeping an element of playfulness is essential to successful lesson plans.
Demonstrate Your Enthusiasm
When you’re writing your personal statement, make sure to show enthusiasm for the role you’re applying to. This is especially important for Early Career Teachers, as they might not have as much experience in the classroom as other candidates.
One way to do this is by including examples of how you’ve gone above and beyond in your current role. Another way is to share how you plan on contributing to the school community if you’re successful in securing the position.
How Has Your Working History Developed Your Practice
Although including a list of your work experience on your CV is necessary, it shouldn’t take up much space on your ECT personal statement. The focus of this document should be on how all of this past experience has affected your perspective as a new teacher. Use examples of your prior experiences to show the school’s hiring team how you would excel in the role.
Outline Your Plans For The Future
If you’re an Early Career Teacher, then chances are you haven’t been in the field for too long. Even if you only have a few years of experience under your belt, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have long-term goals. Describing your plans for the future shows that you’re committed to the teaching profession and that you have a clear vision for your career.
Strengths and Skills
Show your potential employer what makes you the best candidate for the job by discussing your unique skills, experiences, and goals in your personal statement. Are you a whiz with technology? Do you have experience teaching in an inclusive environment? Are you trilingual? These are all qualities that would set you apart from other candidates and make you an asset to any school.
A Powerful Ending
Just as you would carefully revise one of your students’ best essays, make sure to proofread and edit your statement before sending it off. Be sure to express how much you love teaching and why the school you’re applying to is a perfect fit for what you’re looking for. You want the selection committee to remember you for all the right reasons, so make sure your statement leaves a lasting impression.
By following these tips, you can be confident that your Early Career Teacher personal statement will make you stand out from the rest of the pack.
Check For Mistakes!
Remember, your personal statement is a reflection of you as a professional. Any grammar or spelling errors will reflect poorly on you and could cost you the job. Be sure to have several people proofread your statement before you submit it. By following these tips, you can be sure that your Early Career Teacher personal statement will make a lasting impression
Simple Personal Statement Example:
I am immensely passionate about teaching and firmly believe that every child has the right to a high-quality education.
I am currently in my final year of university and during that time I have had the opportunity to work with students from a wide range of backgrounds. I have also had the pleasure of working as a mentor to a group of children, which has given me invaluable experience in supporting others.
I am committed to continuously developing my practice and have recently completed a course in assessment for learning. I am also interested in pursuing a master’s in education in the future.
As an Early Career Teacher, I would be committed to continuously developing my practice and expanding my knowledge in the field. I believe that every child has the right to a high-quality education and it is my mission to ensure
I believe that I have the skills and experiences needed to be an excellent Early Career Teacher and would be a valuable asset to your school. I am eager to share my knowledge and passion for teaching with your students and would be honoured to join your team.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
What should go into a Personal statement to become an ECT?
Your Early Career Teacher personal statement should highlight your passion for teaching, as well as your unique skills and experiences. Be sure to mention any courses you’ve taken that have prepared you for the role, and describe how you would excel in the position.
How long should an ECT personal statement be?
Your personal statement should be around 500 words in length. This gives you enough space to discuss your skills and experiences, as well as your goals for the future.
What goes into a cover letter to become an ECT?
Your cover letter should briefly introduce you and highlight your interest in the position. Be sure to mention any relevant skills or experiences you have, and explain why you would be the perfect candidate for the job. Thank the reader for their time and consideration, and express your excitement for the opportunity to join their team.
Do you need to write a CV as an ECT?
No, you do not need to write a CV as an ECT. However, it is always beneficial to have one on hand in case the school you are applying to requests it. CVs are typically used for academic positions, so if you are applying for a teaching role in a school, they may request one. Be sure to tailor your CV to the specific position you are applying for.
If you have any questions about what to include in your Early Career Teacher personal statement or cover letter, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for help. With these tips, you can be sure that your application will make you stand out from the rest!
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