Creating a safe and welcoming school environment is essential for students to be able to learn and thrive. A behaviour policy can help achieve this goal by setting expectations for student conduct and providing a framework for consequences when those expectations are not met. In this blog post, we will discuss the components of an effective behaviour policy and provide an example that you can use in your own school!
A behaviour policy should encompass all areas of the school’s daily life. In this example below there are aspects that will not fit your school setting and that it okay. Consider this example a draft that you can take ideas from, and make your own. Some of the recommendations in this policy will be appropriate for academies as well. If your school is not part of an academy then you will need to change some of the plurals.
Aims and Principles
All school staff are responsible for promoting positive behaviour among the student body, by working together to enforce it consistently and fairly. A positive reinforcement approach is essential to managing behaviour, which means rewarding good behaviour and sanctioning bad behaviour. This will create an environment where children feel safe and confident, and thus ready to learn.
The best practice for schools is to establish a whole-school approach that benefits all students, including those with special needs. In this way, every pupil will feel like they belong in the school community and that high expectation are still set for each individual. Our schools strive to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, which is beneficial for students with SEND and allows everyone to focus on learning. All behaviour management strategies are based on the school’s core values as well as the British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for people of different faiths or beliefs – including those without any faith. Staff members will serve as role models for these values.
As a result of their negligence, many schools are failing to address the concerns that lead parents and students to request grades for each child. Teachers may be seen as scapegoats for everyday problems such as low test performance or lack of resources. Pupils on whom no one else depends could be suffering from loneliness, anxiety, bullying, violence, or stress due to a poor school environment. It can keep some children from attending school, depriving them of vital learning time. Schools place managing behaviour at the top of the list of priorities.
Though students will not always act their best, schools can help create an environment that fosters positive behaviour by implementing this policy. This policy provides guidance on proactive ways to support students and address misbehaviour effectively to avoid more incidents of bad behaviour.
Every school has an established culture that all community members understand and embrace, which details what behaviours are acceptable/encouraged/required, and those that aren’t. Headteachers play a crucial part in shaping and defending their schools’ cultures, ensuring that it influences every aspect of school life.
To ensure that they collectively represent their schools’ culture by managing behaviour effectively, always adhering to schools’ behaviour procedures when necessary, and responding to misbehaviour consistently but fairly, staff go through training.
Headteachers are responsible for putting in place strategies to ensure that pupils adhere to acceptable standards of conduct. They make sure the school’s attitude toward a behaviour is consistent with the following national minimal requirement:
-The school has strict but fair expectations for pupil behaviour, which are understood and followed by staff and pupils to create a safe environment;
-School leaders support all staff members in managing pupil behaviour, using interventions as needed to improve behavioural issues;
-All pupils receive the support they need to meet behavioural standards, with reasonable adjustments made for those with disabilities.
All members of the school community, including teachers and students, must work together to create a positive, safe environment in which pupils are safe and feel safe. Bullying, physical threats or abuse, and intimidation are not tolerated. In this school atmosphere where everyone is treated with respect
The national minimum standard for conduct is consistent with the Ofsted “good” behaviour and attitudes classifying. When necessary, sanctions for bad behaviour may be adjusted to fit with each student’s support plan. Each school has its own PSHE and Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum that covers important themes such as child-on-child abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault, bullying, racism, and any other intolerant behaviour that goes against British values.
If such incidents occur, they will be taken extremely seriously and must be recorded in CPOMs and reported to the LGB every month. Each Ivy school strives to improve positive behaviour by building positive relationships with parents and fostering strong connections in promoting good conduct.
The headmaster will come up with strategies to:
• Encourage good conduct and respect for others;
• Ensure that pupils maintain an acceptable level of behaviour;
• Assure that children complete all required tasks in connection with their education.
Although schools’ behaviour procedures differ, they all set out disciplinary sanctions for breaking rules. In addition, headteachers make sure to have an anti-bullying strategy in place so that bullying is prevented whenever possible.
The following are some of the most common points covered in a school’s behaviour procedure:
• purpose – including the policy’s underlying goals and how it creates a secure environment in which all children may learn and achieve their full potential;
• leadership and management – including the position of designated personnel and leaders, any systems utilized, resource allocations, and governance involvement;
• school systems and social norms – such as rules, routines, and consequence mechanisms;
•Staff induction, development, and support – this includes regular training for staff on behaviour management;
•Pupil transition – ensuring a smooth transition into new behaviours, rules, and routines;
•Pupil support – including the roles of designated staff and how to best support pupils with additional needs who might struggle with behaviour.
• abuse perpetuated by children onto other children, including both preventative measures and how to respond to such incidents; and
• a list of items which are not allowed on school grounds, ranging from drugs to weapons
The behaviour procedure for each school follows these principles:
· Clear and easily understood by everyone in the school community
· Aligned with other key policy documents
· Inclusive of the needs of all students and staff, so that everyone feels safe and like they belong
· Detailed enough to ensure consistent implementation by all members
· Supportive of pupils meeting high standards of behaviour
Statutory Guidance
In terms of exclusions, each school is certain that it follows the most up-to-date statutory advice and will follow the DFE standards: suspension and permanent expulsion from maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England, as well as the student movement.
If it is felt that a pupil needs to be searched for prohibited items, staff will follow the guidelines ‘
If physical intervention is necessary to prevent serious harm or injury, trained staff should carry out the interventions wherever possible. School staff must follow the guidance in Section 93 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.
The school’s Behaviour Policy will be based on the legal welfare requirements and standards for children. All staff will know of and be able to implement, the measures in their behaviour procedures – this is a key system that supports safeguarding in our schools.
Every employee is cognizant of their safeguarding duties, which are described in section 1 of Part 1 Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE).
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