35 Poems About Starlings

Written by Dan

Welcome to a celestial journey, where words take the form of wings and the ink turns into a constellation of emotions. This is a collection of poems about starlings – those enchanting creatures that adorn the sky with their mesmerizing murmurations.

Like the starlings themselves, these verses dance in the wide expanse of human emotions, exploring themes of freedom, unity, change, and resilience. Each line is woven with a unique rhythm, mimicking the heartbeats of these birds, and each stanza takes flight, echoing their harmonious symphony.

So, prepare to ascend into a poetic landscape where starlings not only rule the sky but also reign supreme in the realm of metaphors and meanings. Let’s embark on this lyrical journey together, under a sky filled with the magic of starlings.

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Animals  here.

free verse poetry

Five Free Verse Poems About Starlings

1. The Dance of the Starlings

In the twilight, they appear,

A black cloud, morphing, undulating,

Their wings beating against the lavender sky.

Each movement a testament to their unity,

Each flight path, a symphony of synchrony.

No conductor, no script, just a beautiful chaos,

A thousand hearts beating as one.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. Starlings at Dawn

Awake, the starlings take to the morning sky,

A flurry of feathers against the waking sun.

They rise, they fall, in a dance only they understand,

An ode to the day, a greeting to the light.

In their song, hear the whisper of the dawn,

In their flight, see the promise of a new day.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Starling’s Symphony

Listen, the starlings sing an evening lullaby,

Notes strung together in the cool, crisp air.

The melody of a thousand wings,

The harmony of a shared journey.

Their song is the rhythm of the wild,

Their flight, the poetry of the untamed.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. Murmuration

Look, a ballet in the sky,

A swirling mass of black and grey.

Starlings, like notes on an unseen stave,

Creating music with their wings.

Their dance is a story of survival,

Their unity, a celebration of life.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. The Journey of the Starlings

Observe, as the starlings trace their path,

Across the canvas of the open sky.

Their journey is a testament to their spirit,

Their flight, a symbol of freedom and strength.

In their movement, find inspiration,

In their dance, discover the rhythm of life.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Sparrows here.

Haiku Poem

Five Haiku Poems About Starlings

1. Starlings in Flight

Wings slicing through sky,

In unity, starlings dance.

Nature’s ballet soars.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. Dawn’s Chorus

Starlings greet the dawn,

Melodies echo, sun wakes.

Day begins with song.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Evening Serenade

Starlings in twilight,

Their chorus fills the cool air.

Nightfall’s lullaby.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. Murmuration Magic

Swirling mass of black,

Starlings paint the evening sky.

Murmuration’s art.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. Journey of the Brave

Skyward they journey,

Starlings, symbols of strength, soar.

Freedom in each wing.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Pigeons here.


Five Limerick Poems About Starlings

1. The Starling’s Song

There once was a starling so bright,

Sang from morning till night.

With a song so pure,

It had the cure,

To make every heart feel light.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. The Dancing Sky

Starlings dancing in the twilight glow,

Creating patterns, high and low.

Their ballet in the sky,

Makes time seem to fly,

In their dance, life’s rhythm they show.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. The Morning Greeting

At dawn, starlings begin their day,

In the sky, they frolic and play.

They greet the sun,

With a song that’s spun,

In a uniquely harmonious way.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. The Evening Serenade

Starlings sing as the day ends,

Their melody around corners bends.

A lullaby sweet,

To the moon, they greet,

Their song with the night beautifully blends.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. The Journey of Freedom

Starlings soar in the open skies,

Their freedom there clearly lies.

With strength and grace,

They embrace,

The journey where their spirit flies.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Eagles here.


Five Tanka Poems About Starlings

1. The Dance of the Starlings

Starlings take flight, soar,

In twilight’s soft, gentle glow.

A dance of shadows,

Their unity in rhythm,

Nature’s ballet in the sky.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. Dawn’s Melody

Morning starlings sing,

Greeting dawn with joyous song.

Melodies echo,

Awakening the day’s light,

Their harmony stirs the sun.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Starlight Serenade

Under starlit skies,

Starlings sing their lullabies.

Night’s quiet listens,

Their melodies weave dreams,

In the cool arms of the night.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. Murmuration Magic

Swirling, pulsing mass,

Starlings in evening’s embrace.

Murmuration’s art,

A ballet of wings and air,

Nature’s spectacle unfurls.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. Journey of Freedom

Starlings trace their path,

Across the vast, open sky.

Symbols of freedom,

Their journey inspires us,

In their flight, our spirits lift.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Turkeys here.


Five Sonnet Poems About Starlings

1. The Starling’s Song

In twilight’s hush, a starling takes its perch,

On barren branch, it sings its lonesome verse.

Its feathers shimmer under moonlight’s search,

Its song, a melody of the universe.

The night is silent, save for its sweet trill,

A serenade that echoes in the still.

Each note a star, in the vast sky to fill,

A symphony that heartbeats can distill.

Oh, starling, with your song so pure and bright,

You fill the night with music, love and light.

Your voice, a beacon in the blackest night,

Guides lost souls home, in the absence of sight.

So sing, dear starling, let your voice take flight,

And fill our hearts with joy, from morning ’til night.

By Dan Higgins 2024

2. The Starling’s Flight

Behold the starling, soaring through the sky,

Its wings a blur, as it begins to fly.

Each feather glistens in the morning’s eye,

A silhouette against the dawn’s pink dye.

It dances in the air, with grace and might,

A ballet framed by the sun’s golden light.

Each twist and turn, a testament to flight,

An artistry that fills the day with delight.

Oh, starling, with your freedom in the blue,

You paint a picture only skies can brew.

Your dance, a poem that winds have strew,

Inspires dreams in hearts both old and new.

So fly, dear starling, let your spirit be true,

And show us all the wonders flight can do.

By Dan Higgins 2024

3. The Starling’s Plume

Adorned in plumes of iridescent hue,

The starling stands, a vision to pursue.

Each feather tells a tale of mornings dew,

And sunsets bathed in red and orange view.

It struts with pride, its beauty on display,

A tapestry of nature’s grand ballet.

Each step it takes, adds to the array,

Of life’s rich colors in everyday.

Oh, starling, with your coat of many shades,

You show the world how beauty never fades.

Your plumage, like the finest of brocades,

Reminds us of the magic that pervades.

So strut, dear starling, let your colors play,

And brighten up the world in your own way.

By Dan Higgins 2024

4. The Starling’s Call

From treetop high, the starling calls its kin,

A symphony of voices soon begin.

Each note a thread, in the day’s vibrant spin,

Weaving a tapestry of sound within.

It echoes through the forest, near and far,

A melody that’s written in each star.

Each call a message, no matter where you are,

Telling tales of life, of love, of war.

Oh, starling, with your voice so clear and strong,

You fill the world with your enchanting song.

Your call, a bond that to us all belong,

Unites us in a chorus, loud and long.

So call, dear starling, let your voice ring on,

And remind us of the harmony that’s gone.

By Dan Higgins 2024

5. The Starling’s Dream

In dreams, the starling takes its final bow,

Its journey ends, under the moon’s pale glow.

Each memory a feather, soft and low,

A testament to life’s ebb and flow.

It sleeps in peace, under the star’s soft gleam,

In dreams, it soars above the highest beam.

Each dream a star, in the night’s endless stream,

A galaxy of hopes, in sleep’s sweet theme.

Oh, starling, with your dreams so vast and wide,

You show us all the universe inside.

Your sleep, a journey through the astral tide,

Reminds us of the dreams we’ve pushed aside.

So dream, dear starling, let your spirit glide,

And show us all the wonders you’ve espied.

By Dan Higgins 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Chickens here.


Five Ode Poems About Starlings

1. Ode to the Starling’s Flight

Under the sky of endless blue,

Starlings dance, a sight to view.

Wings spread wide, in formations vast,

Painting shadows as they pass.

In the twilight, they take flight,

A spectacle in the fading light.

Like a symphony in the air,

Their beauty beyond compare.

Black feathers gleaming in the sun,

Their aerial ballet has just begun.

Through the clouds, they weave and dart,

Each movement, a work of art.

Oh, starling, with your wings so bright,

You fill the sky with pure delight.

In your flight, there’s poetry,

A dance of life, wild and free.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. Ode to the Starling’s Song

In the quiet of the dawn,

A starling sings, the day reborn.

Its melody, both sharp and sweet,

A morning greeting, soft and fleet.

From atop the highest tree,

It sings its song for all to see.

A serenade to the rising sun,

A new day of life has just begun.

Its notes echo through the air,

A melody beyond compare.

Oh, starling, your song brings delight,

A joyful sound in the morning light.

In your song, there’s a story told,

Of nature’s wonders, brave and bold.

Starling, keep singing your sweet refrain,

A song of joy, love, and pain.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. Ode to the Starling’s Plumage

Starling, in your coat of black,

With iridescent shades stacked.

In the sunlight, your feathers gleam,

A vision from a dream.

Purple, green, and blue so bright,

A spectacle of color and light.

Against the sky, you boldly contrast,

A beauty that will everlast.

Your plumage tells a tale of old,

Of nature’s wonders, bold and gold.

Starling, in your cloak so fine,

Your beauty truly divine.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. Ode to the Starling’s Grace

Starling, in your flight so free,

You dance with grace and liberty.

In the vast expanse of sky,

You spread your wings and fly.

Through the air, you twirl and dive,

In your dance, you come alive.

With each beat of your feathered wing,

You make the very heavens sing.

Oh, starling, in your flight so grand,

You paint a picture, oh so grand.

In your dance, there’s elegance,

A ballet of nature’s dance.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. Ode to the Starling’s Spirit

Oh, starling, bird of strength and might,

Your spirit shines in the moonlight.

Despite the storms, you stand tall,

Your resolve will never fall.

Your song echoes through the night,

A testament to your might.

In your heart, there’s a fire,

A burning, unquenchable desire.

Starling, your spirit is a beacon bright,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

In your courage, there’s a lesson learned,

A flame of hope, forever burned.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Goats here.

Villanelle Poem

Five Villanelle Poems About Starlings

1. The Dance of the Starlings

In skies of blue, starlings take their flight,

Their wings spread wide, a beautiful sight.

In formations vast, they dance in the light.

Under the setting sun’s soft twilight,

They begin their dance, an aerial delight.

In skies of blue, starlings take their flight.

As darkness falls, they are the night’s highlight,

A spectacle of nature’s might.

In formations vast, they dance in the light.

Their feathers gleam in the moonlight,

A mesmerizing sight, oh so bright.

In skies of blue, starlings take their flight.

Through the night, they continue their flight,

Their dance a testament to their plight.

In formations vast, they dance in the light.

As dawn breaks, they take their final flight,

Leaving behind memories of the night.

In skies of blue, starlings took their flight,

In formations vast, they danced in the light.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

2. The Song of the Starlings

In the quiet of dawn, a starling sings its song,

Its melody sweet, its notes strong.

It serenades the rising sun, welcoming the daylong.

From atop the highest tree, it sings along,

Its song echoing, a harmonious throng.

In the quiet of dawn, a starling sings its song.

Its notes fill the air, a melodious gong,

A testament to nature’s lifelong song.

It serenades the rising sun, welcoming the daylong.

As the day progresses, the song prolongs,

A symphony of nature, beautiful and strong.

In the quiet of dawn, a starling sings its song.

As dusk approaches, the song belongs

To the starling, singing its evensong.

In the quiet of dawn, a starling sang its song,

It serenaded the setting sun, ending the daylong.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

3. The Plumage of the Starlings

The starling’s plumage, a sight to behold,

Iridescent feathers, green, blue and gold.

In the sunlight, a dream untold.

Its coat of black, bold and old,

Contrasts the sky’s vast threshold.

The starling’s plumage, a sight to behold.

As the light catches, stories unfold,

Of nature’s wonders, brave and bold.

In the sunlight, a dream untold.

The colors dance, uncontrolled,

A spectacle of beauty, manifold.

The starling’s plumage, a sight to behold.

As dusk falls, the colors grow cold,

Yet the beauty remains, untold.

The starling’s plumage, a sight to behold,

In the moonlight, a dream retold.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

4. The Grace of the Starlings

Starlings fly with grace and ease,

Their dance a testament to nature’s tease.

Through the sky, they move as they please.

Their flight is like a soft breeze,

A ballet in the skies, a masterpiece.

Starlings fly with grace and ease.

Through the clouds, they move with ease,

Their dance a symphony, a release.

Through the sky, they move as they please.

Their movements are like a trapeze,

A dance of life, a caprice.

Starlings fly with grace and ease.

As night falls, their dance decreases,

Yet their grace never ceases.

Starlings flew with grace and ease,

Through the night, they moved as they pleased.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

5. The Spirit of the Starlings

The spirit of the starling, strong and free,

A beacon of hope, for you and me.

Through the night, it guides us to see.

Despite the storms, it stands tall as a tree,

Its resolve unbroken, its spirit key.

The spirit of the starling, strong and free.

Its song echoes, a melody of glee,

A testament to its decree.

Through the night, it guides us to see.

As dawn breaks, it sings with glee,

Its spirit untamed, wild and free.

The spirit of the starling, strong and free.

As the day ends, we agree,

The starling’s spirit is a guarantee.

The spirit of the starling was strong and free,

Through the night, it guided us to see.

By Dan Higgins, 2024

Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About Lizards here.

As we conclude this poetic journey, it’s evident that the starlings have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

Their dance in the sky has been mirrored in the rhythm of these verses, their unity reflected in the harmonious blending of words, and their resilience symbolized in the enduring themes explored.

These poems have painted a lyrical portrait of starlings, capturing their essence in a symphony of words. They have shown us how these birds are not just creatures of flight but also emblems of freedom, symbols of unity, catalysts for change, and epitomes of resilience.

Through the power of poetry, we’ve seen starlings in a new light, finding profound meanings in their seemingly simple existence. We’ve learned to appreciate their beauty, admire their strength, and seek inspiration from their unwavering spirit.

In the end, we’ve realized that starlings are not merely birds; they are metaphoric marvels that rule not just the sky but also the realm of poetic imagination.

As we bid adieu to this collection, let’s carry the magic of starlings in our hearts, letting their enchanting murmurations inspire our thoughts, words, and actions. Until next time, keep looking at the sky, for the starlings are bound to return with more tales to tell and more lessons to impart.

About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.






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