Spelling is a fundamental skill that helps children develop their writing and reading abilities. Children build on their foundational spelling skills in second grade and learn more complex spelling words.
This is a crucial stage in their education as they begin to use writing as a tool for communication and self-expression.
In this article, we will explore the spelling curriculum of second grade, including the types of words that students are taught and the methods used to teach them.
We will also provide resources for parents and teachers to help second graders improve their spelling skills.
Related: For more, check out our article on What Grammar is Taught In Second Grade here.

The Second-Grade Spelling Curriculum
The second-grade spelling curriculum should include second-grade Dolch words, advanced phonics, and compound words. This has frequently used, irregular words such as WAS, WERE, SAYS, SAID, WHO, WHAT, and WHY.
Second graders should master short-vowel, long-vowel, r-controlled, and consonant-blend patterns. Words using the -ight ending, such as BRIGHT, FLIGHT, and NIGHT, should also be introduced, along with a few compound words, including GRANDFATHER, BEDROOM, and SAILBOAT.
Spelling skills should be developed through an overall language arts program that includes phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, grammar, reading, and writing.
Children can develop and reinforce spelling skills through regular paper, constant reading, and a study of spelling rules. Spelling games and structured computer spelling programs can also help.
Time4Learning provides a comprehensive second-grade spelling curriculum with fun activities to build a solid foundation.
Spelling Words For Second Grade
| Always | Bunch | Doorknob | Electric |
| Around | Butterfly | Dragonfly | Elephant |
| Attic | Calendar | Drawn | Empty |
| Bagel | Campfire | Dresser | Envelope |
| Beach | Capital | Dropped | Equal |
| Because | Carpet | Drums | Espresso |
| Became | Carry | Drying | Evening |
| Below | Ceiling | Ducks | Exact |
| Best | Center | Dull | Example |
| Better | Cheerful | Early | Excuse |
| Blueberry | Chili | Earring | Exercise |
| Circle | Climbing | Earth | Extra |
| Circus | Clothes | Easter | Eyeing |
| Clean | Cloudy | Easy | Factory |
| Click | Coffee | Eating | Fair |
| Climbing | Computer | Echo | Fake |
| Clothes | Country | Eighteen | Family |
| Cloudy | Courteous | Electric | Famous |
| Coffee | Cows | Elephant | Fan |
| Computer | Craft | Empty | Faster |
| Country | Crayon | Envelope | Favorite |
| Courteous | Cried | Equal | February |
| Cows | Customer | Espresso | Feeling |
| Craft | Cutting | Evening | Fence |
| Crayon | Dancing | Exact | Filled |
| Cried | Darkest | Example | Finding |
| Customer | Deer | Excuse | Finish |
| Cutting | Delicious | Exercise | Fishing |
| Dancing | Dime | Extra | Fixing |
| Darkest | Dirty | Eyeing | Flash |
| Deer | Discovery | Factory | Flight |
| Delicious | Doorknob | Fair | Floor |
| Dime | Dragonfly | Fake | Flower |
| Dirty | Drawn | Family | Flowing |
| Discovery | Dresser | Famous | Folklore |
| Doorknob | Dropped | Fan | Follow |
| Dragonfly | Drums | Faster | Forest |
| Drawn | Drying | Favorite | |
| Dresser | Ducks | February | |
| Dropped | Dull | Feeling | |
| Drums | Early | Fence | |
| Drying | Earring | Filled | |

How To Teach Spellings To Second Grade Children
Teaching spelling to second graders is an essential part of their language development. It can enhance their writing skills, vocabulary, and overall communication abilities. Here are some useful methods to help teach spelling to your second-grade students.
1. Sight Words
Create and display a list of sight words that second-graders need to learn. These words should be frequently used and challenging. Sight words can help students improve memory retention and recognition skills.
2. Phonics
For many students, phonics is an effective way to learn spelling. Second graders should learn short and long vowel sounds, consonant blends, and digraphs. As they begin to read, words such as “bird” and “book” become more comfortable to spell.
3. Repetition
Repetition is an essential part of learning for second graders. Students need to repeat words often for their spelling to improve. You can focus on five to ten words a week and ask students to write them repeatedly until they have developed confidence.
4. Play games
Playing games with spelling words is a fun and interactive way to help children learn. Games like word ladders, word sorting, and spelling bees can enhance students’ motivation and retention of spelling words.
5. Word family activities
Word families are groups of words that share a similar structure and sound. For instance, words like “cat,” “bat,” “rat,” and “hat” belong to the at-family. Engaging students in word family activities can help them recognize spelling patterns and memorize words more efficiently.
Teaching spelling requires patience and creativity. Parents can help their children practice their skills by making spelling a fun activity at home. Children can quickly develop spelling competency with regular practice and various learning methods.
Q: What are some standard spelling rules second graders should know?
A: Second graders need to learn various spelling rules and patterns. These include short and long vowel sounds, word families, r-controlled vowels, and consonant blends. Learning these rules can help second graders spell more accurately and with confidence.
Q: How can I help my child improve their spelling skills at home?
A: There are several ways to help your child improve their spelling skills at home. You can encourage them to read books, practice writing, play spelling games, and use structured computer programs. It’s also helpful to create a rich language environment at home by using a variety of vocabulary words.
Q: What are some effective spelling games for second graders?
A: Spelling games can be an effective tool for helping second graders learn new words and spelling patterns. Word ladders, word sorting, and spelling bees are all useful games for second graders. You can also create your own games by using flashcards or making a crossword puzzle.
Q: How many spelling words should second graders learn per week?
A: The number of spelling words that second graders should learn varies depending on the school and curriculum. However, a good rule of thumb is to focus on five to ten words per week. This allows students to concentrate on a few words at a time and develop spelling confidence before moving on to more challenging words.
Q: What are some adequate spelling resources for second graders?
A: Time4Learning provides a comprehensive second-grade spelling curriculum with fun activities to build a solid foundation. Other resources include spelling workbooks, worksheets, online quizzes, and educational games. Finding resources that align with your child’s learning style and interests is important.
Remember, consistent practice and patience are key to improving second-grade spelling skills. With various learning methods and helpful resources, your child can become a confident speller in no time.