Welcome to our collection of 35 inspiring poems about St. Francis of Assisi, a remarkable figure who continues to enlighten us with his profound wisdom, humility, and love for all life forms.
Who was St. Francis of Assisi, you ask? He was no less than a beacon of compassion and peace, a trailblazer who dedicated his life to the service of the poor and the protection of nature. His teachings resonate, inspiring countless individuals across generations and cultures.
In this collection, we have carefully curated a variety of poems that explore his life, his teachings, and his enduring influence on the world. From deeply reflective verses that invite introspection to uplifting stanzas filled with hope and joy, each poem offers a unique perspective on the legacy of St. Francis of Assisi.
But why poetry, you might wonder? Well, isn’t it fascinating how words can evoke such strong emotions and vivid imagery when woven together into a poem? And isn’t it even more intriguing how these poems can provide fresh insights into the life and teachings of St. Francis?
Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About St Christopher here.

Five Free Verse Poems About St Francis of Assisi
The Sermon to the Birds
In the hush of the forest, where shadows dance,
Stood St. Francis, lost in a trance.
His audience, a congregation of wings,
To them, he spoke of higher things.
“Brothers and sisters of the sky,” he began,
“Who soar above the realm of man,
Remember the Creator who gave you flight,
And sing His praises from morning till night.”
The Canticle of the Sun
St. Francis, under the sun’s golden embrace,
Penned a canticle, a testament of grace.
“Most High, all-powerful, good Lord,”
His words, like a melodious chord.
“Praise be to You for Brother Sun,
For Sister Moon and the stars, each one.
For Brother Wind, and air, and cloud,
Your creations, singing Your praises loud.”
The Wolf of Gubbio
In the town of Gubbio, fear did reside,
A wolf prowling, townsfolk had nowhere to hide.
St. Francis came forth, steady and calm,
His presence itself, a soothing balm.
“Brother Wolf,” he said, “let’s make amends,
Let’s choose peace, let’s be friends.”
And so it was, the wolf did agree,
In the spirit of love and harmony.
The Stigmata
On Mount La Verna, secluded and high,
St. Francis received a gift from the sky.
Marks of Christ, on his hands and feet,
A divine blessing, bitter and sweet.
He bore them with humility, with grace,
A reflection of Christ’s love on his face.
His stigmata, a symbol of sacrifice,
Of a life lived for love, without a price.
The Passing
When St. Francis knew his time was near,
He welcomed death, without any fear.
“Welcome, Sister Death,” he softly said,
Laying on the earth, his humble bed.
His spirit rose, like a bird in flight,
Towards the heavens, radiant and bright.
Even in death, his message remains,
In our hearts, his memory reigns.
Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About St Clare Of Assisi here.
Five Haiku Poems About St Francis of Assisi
Brother to All Beings
In nature’s embrace,
St. Francis whispers soft words,
Brother to all beings.
The Sermon to the Birds
Feathers ruffle, hush,
Francis preaches to the birds,
Heaven’s choir listens.
The Canticle of the Sun
Sun’s golden hymn sung,
Francis praises creation,
Love’s melody rings.
The Stigmata
Marks of sacred love,
On Francis, they’re bestowed,
Christ’s pain he knows.
Welcome, Sister Death
Sister Death draws near,
Francis welcomes her with peace,
His journey’s end, clear.
Related: For more, check out our article on Poems About St Dymphna here.

Five Limerick Poems About St Francis of Assisi
A Sermon in the Sky
In the forest, under the sky so wide,
St. Francis preached with the birds by his side.
With a heart full of love, and a spirit so free,
He spoke of peace, unity, and harmony.
The Song of Creation
St. Francis sang under the sun’s golden glare,
A song of creation, gratitude, and care.
“Blessed are You, Lord, for this radiant day,
For the stars, the moon, and the sun’s warm ray.”
The Pact with the Wolf
In Gubbio, where fear did reside,
St. Francis tamed the wild wolf’s pride.
With words of peace, he calmed the beast,
And from that day, the attacks ceased.
The Sacred Marks
On Mount La Verna, secluded and high,
St. Francis received the stigmata from the sky.
He bore Christ’s wounds with humility and grace,
A testament of his faith, that time won’t erase.
Embracing Sister Death
When his time came, without any dread,
“Welcome, Sister Death,” St. Francis said.
He passed on with peace, his spirit took flight,
Guided by God’s eternal light.
Five Tanka Poems About St Francis of Assisi
Tanka is a form of unrhymed Japanese poetry, with five sections structured in a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern. This format allows for deep emotional expression. Let’s explore the life of St. Francis of Assisi through this beautiful form.
The Sermon to the Birds
In the silent woods,
St. Francis begins to speak,
Birds flutter, they listen,
His words soaring high and free,
A melody of peace rings.
The Canticle of the Sun
Under the bright sun,
St. Francis pens his canticle,
Praises creation,
The sun, moon, stars, and the wind,
Their beauty his inspiration.
The Wolf of Gubbio
In Gubbio’s heart,
Fear of the wolf does reside,
Francis steps forward,
Words of peace calm the wild beast,
Harmony is thus restored.
The Stigmata
On Mount La Verna,
Marks of Christ appear on him,
Stigmata, sacred,
Borne with grace and humility,
His faith eternally firm.
The Passing
As his end draws near,
“Welcome, Sister Death,” he says,
Embracing the end,
His spirit rises, takes flight,
In our hearts, his love stays bright.
These tanka poems capture key moments in St. Francis’ life, depicting his deep connection with nature, his unwavering faith, and his embodiment of peace and love. Even centuries later, his life continues to inspire millions around the world.

Five Lyrical Sonnets About St Francis of Assisi
I. The Sermon to the Birds
With nature’s choir, he stood alone yet not,
In verdant meadows, under cerulean sky.
Saint Francis, man of God, in thought was caught,
And to his feathered friends, began to sigh.
“Brothers and Sisters, heed my humble call,
Each chirp and tweet reveals His holy plan.
In your small hearts, God’s grace does fall,
Rejoice in His love, as only creatures can.”
The birds then listened, heads tilted in awe,
Their tiny hearts stirred by his gentle plea.
In Nature’s language, they saw no flaw,
United in spirit, in brotherhood, they’re free.
II. Brother Sun, Sister Moon
In the grandeur of the day, Brother Sun doth rise,
His golden rays kiss the earth, a lover’s sweet surprise.
In his light, Saint Francis saw God’s mighty hand,
A testament to love spread across the land.
When dusk fell, Sister Moon took her silent stage,
Her silver glow a soothing balm to rage.
Francis marveled at her tranquil, calming sight,
Reflecting God’s comfort in the still of night.
III. The Stigmata
In solitude on Mount Alvernia’s peak,
Saint Francis sought the divine, the unique.
Bearing witness to Christ’s crucifixion,
He received the stigmata, a holy affliction.
His body mirrored Christ’s sacred wounds,
An intimate connection that astounds.
Through pain, his faith remained steadfast,
A testament to a love that will forever last.
IV. Canticle of the Creatures
Francis, the saint with a poet’s heart,
Crafted a canticle, a divine work of art.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and stars in the night,
He praised them all with devout delight.
Wind, water, fire, and earth,
Each received recognition for their worth.
Even Sister Death, he did not shun,
For in her, God’s will be done.
V. The Poverello
Francis, the Poverello, lived in humble grace,
Finding God not in wealth, but every face.
He walked barefoot, under sun and rain,
Embracing poverty, dismissing worldly gain.
In simplicity, he found divine wealth,
In service, he discovered spiritual health.
Saint Francis, with his heart so vast,
Your lessons of love will forever last.
Five Inspiring Odes About St Francis of Assisi
I. Ode to the Bird Whisperer
Oh, Saint Francis, you who spoke with winged creatures,
In the universal language of love and features.
How did you command their feathery attention?
With a heart full of divine intention.
In your presence, they found a friend,
An ally on whom they could depend.
Your sermon to the birds, a testament to your grace,
A reminder of our duty to every living face.
II. Ode to the Celestial Siblings
Francis, you who revered Brother Sun,
Seeing in his light, God’s work done.
And Sister Moon, with her calming glow,
A nightly reminder of God’s steady flow.
You taught us to appreciate their dance,
To see in their cycle, a divine romance.
Each day and night, a gift from above,
A heavenly display of God’s endless love.
III. Ode to the Marked Messenger
On Mount Alvernia, you received a sacred sign,
The stigmata, a connection to the divine.
Painful yet profound, those holy scars,
Your body reflecting the Savior’s stars.
Through suffering, your faith never waned,
In Christ’s love, your spirit remained.
Saint Francis, your endurance inspires,
Igniting in our hearts, faithful fires.
IV. Ode to the Divine Poet
Francis, the bard of God’s creation,
Your canticle, a poetic celebration.
Brother Wind, Sister Water, and Fire so bright,
In all, you saw God’s radiant light.
Your words, a hymn to Mother Earth,
Acknowledging each creature’s worth.
In your verses, we find a guide,
To love all creation, far and wide.
V. Ode to the Humble Wanderer
Poverello, you who chose a simple life,
Shunning material wealth and strife.
Your barefoot journey, a humble quest,
To live God’s word, to pass His test.
In poverty, you found true riches,
In service, a cure for all life’s glitches.
Saint Francis, your example shines,
A beacon of love that forever aligns.
Five Villanelle Poems About St Francis of Assisi
The Sermon to the Birds
In Assisi’s fields, under the open sky,
Saint Francis preached to birds in flight,
His words carried on the wind, soaring high.
With open heart and a clear, piercing eye,
He spoke of kindness, love’s pure light,
In Assisi’s fields, under the open sky.
Feathers ruffled, the birds drew nigh,
Listening to his sermon, their spirits ignite,
His words carried on the wind, soaring high.
From sparrows to doves, none were shy,
Drawn to his message, so simple and right,
In Assisi’s fields, under the open sky.
He taught respect for each butterfly,
Each creature, each bird, each earthly sight,
His words carried on the wind, soaring high.
And so, his teachings will never die,
Echoing still, like a dove’s gentle flight,
In Assisi’s fields, under the open sky,
His words carried on the wind, soaring high.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
Saint Francis walked under Brother Sun,
Sister Moon illuminating his path when day was done,
God’s creation, a symphony, each note begun.
Under stars’ twinkling light, his prayers spun,
Seeing God’s hand in everything, leaving none,
Saint Francis walked under Brother Sun.
He sang of divine love, second to none,
In every dawn, in every setting sun,
God’s creation, a symphony, each note begun.
To Sister Moon, he would softly hum,
Her silver light his evening’s spun,
Saint Francis walked under Brother Sun.
In nature, he found God’s kingdom won,
In every leaf, in every flower’s spun,
God’s creation, a symphony, each note begun.
So let us walk as Saint Francis had done,
Under Brother Sun and Sister Moon, God’s perfect pun,
Saint Francis walked under Brother Sun,
God’s creation, a symphony, each note begun.
The Stigmata of Saint Francis
In solitude on Mount Alvernia’s height,
Saint Francis received the stigmata, a holy sight,
His body marked with Christ’s love, so bright.
His faith tested, in the moon’s pale light,
He bore his pain with all his might,
In solitude on Mount Alvernia’s height.
His wounds, like Christ’s, a beacon bright,
A testament of his spiritual fight,
His body marked with Christ’s love, so bright.
In his suffering, he found divine delight,
His spirit soaring like a kite,
In solitude on Mount Alvernia’s height.
Through his trials, he held tight,
To God’s love, his guiding light,
His body marked with Christ’s love, so bright.
So remember Saint Francis, and his plight,
A symbol of faith, pure and right,
In solitude on Mount Alvernia’s height,
His body marked with Christ’s love, so bright.
Canticle of the Sun
Saint Francis sang a canticle of praise,
To Brother Sun, Sister Moon, their rays,
God’s creation, a divine phrase.
He saw God’s hand in the sun’s blaze,
In the moon’s glow, in the star’s maze,
Saint Francis sang a canticle of praise.
In Brother Wind’s gusts and gentle graze,
In Sister Water’s cleansing ways,
God’s creation, a divine phrase.
From dawn’s break to evening’s haze,
His heart echoed with divine amaze,
Saint Francis sang a canticle of praise.
So let our voices, too, be raised,
In gratitude for our earthly days,
God’s creation, a divine phrase.
And in our hearts, let love be blazed,
As Saint Francis did, in his humble ways,
Saint Francis sang a canticle of praise,
God’s creation, a divine phrase.
The Humble Walk of Saint Francis
Saint Francis walked with barefoot grace,
Choosing poverty, the world to face,
His path lit by God’s loving embrace.
He shunned wealth, its hollow chase,
Finding riches in a simple vase,
Saint Francis walked with barefoot grace.
His heart was an open space,
For every creature, every race,
His path lit by God’s loving embrace.
In service and humility, he found his place,
His life, a testament to God’s grace,
Saint Francis walked with barefoot grace.
So let us walk at our own pace,
With open hearts, love to trace,
His path lit by God’s loving embrace.
And may we, too, find our base,
In love, in kindness, in God’s space,
Saint Francis walked with barefoot grace,
His path lit by God’s loving embrace.
As we conclude our tour through these 35 poems about St. Francis of Assisi, we hope you have been inspired by the depth and breadth of his influence.
Each poem, in its own unique way, illuminates a facet of this extraordinary saint’s life and teachings, reminding us of his enduring relevance.
St. Francis’s love for all creatures, his commitment to peace, and his profound spirituality are themes that resonate throughout these verses.
His message transcends time and culture, touching the hearts of readers across the globe. Isn’t it remarkable how his teachings continue to inspire and guide us even today?
These lyrical interpretations of St. Francis’s life serve not just as a tribute to his legacy, but also as a reminder of the values he embodied.
Whether you’ve found solace in the serene imagery, been moved by the expressions of faith, or drawn inspiration from his humility and service, we trust that these poems have enriched your understanding and appreciation of St. Francis of Assisi.
In an age where humanity yearns for peace, unity, and harmony with nature, the teachings of St. Francis hold profound significance.
As we reflect on these poems, let us strive to embody the lessons they impart, fostering compassion, kindness, and respect for all life forms.
Remember, as St. Francis said, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” In the spirit of these words, may we all continue to grow, learn, and positively impact the world around us.
Thank you for joining us on this poetic journey. Until next time, may the peace and blessings of St. Francis be with you.